Predestined President

I think that when time travelers interact, like River and the Doctor, or the Master and the Doctor, it’s all a bit fuzzy until it actually happens for both.

I think Batman Begins also started to address this question. In his final battle with Ra’s al Ghul on the train, Batman tells him he won’t kill him, but that he also doesn’t have to save him. Now, some people might consider that inaction or unwillingness to save someone murder, but others might be more willing to let

I tip $1 per heave. Why should I pay 30% if I barely vomited?

I’m sure there’s a small amount of overlap in the Venn diagram of kids of parents who paid to get their kids into schools and kids who would’ve gotten into these schools anyway, but I suspect it’s quite small.

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I also love The Stand’s use of Don’t Dream It’s Over

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Even Tubular Bells wasn’t written for the Exorcist

Wacky idea... brush your teeth with your kids.  If you do it together, they’ll want to follow by example.

Really interesting.  My dreams most of the time are fairly basic, often reliving the day, but on occasions where I drink, they become crazy and vivid.  There was one where I was hired to deliver cheese by plane, and the part I remember liking best was that I was paid in cheese.  In another, I was a priest, my best

By the time you get up to 7, they’re back to tasting amazing and that doesn’t trail off until about 39.

The pumpkin is the apple of the squash family.

Because if there’s something the DCU needs, it’s dark movies.  Just make Flash light and funny.  It’s Flash.  You can do your serious Flash movie later.

Uh, that’s a Shadow vessel.  Keep your distance.

I wonder if the efforts might be better directed at Babylon 5.

You’re never gonna keep it down.

I’m hoping they bring her in, even if it’s for a small role.  The producers seem willing, and there’s a bunch of ways she could enter, for example showing up to set Daniel straight after perhaps not being the best at following Miyagi’s example.  She might also be a good mentor for Daniel’s daughter.

Let’s just strap some rockets to the side of the Earth facing the sun, and adjust our orbit slightly.

I lived almost 4 decades without discovering stone ground mustard, and now I’m hooked.

I lived almost 4 decades without discovering stone ground mustard, and now I’m hooked.

I think Fuller doesn’t like to compromise, but he has so many opportunities that he doesn’t see a point in sticking around in a situation where he has to. If he didn’t have other projects to jump to, he’d likely be more willing to compromise.  As long as he’s in demand, and someone thinks they can work with him, he’ll

I feel like some of that is them having to justify the interaction between Section 31 and regular Starfleet, which they wouldn’t have to do if the ship was Section 31.  It wouldn’t change much of what’s happened, if at the beginning, they’re under Section 31's command, and that’s why Michael is brought aboard.  She’s