
Any 19 year old woman dating a guy around her age appears that she could do better, from my perspective as an old-ass lady.

“It’s generally safer to do nothing, than something if you view it only from your perspective.”- the Coward’s Manifesto

What are you even trying to say? It looks like you’re using the comment section to just ramble on about why you have no intention of helping and blame other people for it.

“In fact, you seem like the exact reason why people like me choose to do nothing, rather than something.”

I’m 38 and I ended the relationship that I thought would be my last this year. When I say I’m over men there’s not a bitterness to it, just a disillusionment that i feel very silly for maintaining all this time.

Honestly I can’t even get into these conversations anymore because no matter how clearly a woman states something, everyone will be like “but what did she really MEAN by that.” it was clear as day to me that your goals were meant to be achieved jointly as part of your partnership.

as someone permanently in the gray, thank you for doing this.

“But it’s become abundantly clear to me that the Jezebel comment section is not a good place to discuss improving the lot for women in this world.”

I can’t wait until assholes like you die out

“women can’t demand immunity from profanity if it permeates the workplace, particularly if the job includes writing with use of profanity”

I think you’re making really good points here, fwiw.

“you don’t have a gauge on the breadth of possibility”

dude, dial it back a little.

Chet was updating his keto diary for the day and he heard an all too familiar sigh next to him, one that was always followed by some sort of tirade about Rosie, a name he heard his wife say more than even his own. He was accustomed to it by now, and mostly tuned out her diatribe... he waited until she had stopped

wait, seriously, there’s commerce now besides ice and coffee?

it’s so disingenuous it’s honestly insulting

why are you being so hostile about this?

Not even joking, this story is the one that stuck with me most from last year.

Google “Eartha Kitt has threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean” if you really have some time to kill