
what a weird reaction 

Jonah Hill made certain demands in the relationship. Those demands were bad: super unreasonable, petty, controlling, and born of deep insecurity. You could even argue they were misogynistic or narcissistic; that’s all fine. And for his own sake, if nothing else, Hill needs to get over whatever is making him this way.

What happened to just breaking up with assholes? Is there really a reason this needed to be shared with the world? Yes it sounds like he was a dick! But your response could have been “yes, you’re right, you’re not the right partner for me, goodbye.”

I meant Candace Cameron Bure who uses Miss Benny’s full name about a dozen times in her statement instead of using a pronoun for a trans woman.

Yeah, about thirty state legislative majorities. 

4th scenario.  she’s found unresponsive, she’s known to use drugs, they administer it just because “maybe” and then move on to figuring out what was actually the problem.

Maybe medical responders finding an unconscious rock star said “Hey, maybe we should administer Narcan, just in case.” That doesn’t seem like a huge leap in logic.

It seemed like he died unambiguously.

The Enterprise is on the flight deck of the Interpid in New York City. It’s a cool museum on an aircraft carrier.

it didn’t seem ambiguous, it seemed like he died.

I think you can put away the flamethrower.  I don’t want another Joker performance either, regardless of who plays them.  It’s just completely overdone, and it’s not a complex character to begin with.  

Ita weird to find myself on the side of copyright but this seems to be pretty much cut and dried.

We conveniently left out the rest of the sentence, “ terms of it’s appearance and staging,in order to make our non-existent point didn’t we?

I suppose it depends on what you factor into the price. NASA already had equipment lying around to do the job, much of which already existed as leftovers from Apollo; the California Science Center has had to hire a lot of equipment and construct a facility from scratch. Not a lot of places have a big old VAB with


I get the feeling that levinson and the weeknd were doing lines together and one of them said “hey, what if we make a show about a Britney stand-in, but with her faking the conservatorship, and instead it’s physical and emotional abuse”. This show was doomed from the begining, imo, as that concept is a tricky one to

Well that was just fucking awful. Thanks for the reviews and the shared loathing. 

I actually think this would be better/feel more energetic if they cast someone more magnetic then the Weekend, but I think Lily Rose is selling her character.

Get out now . A few years ago this place was fantastic, nowadays they just cover whatever corporate tell them to with no complaints, and most contest is based on whatever gets most ‘ engagement ‘...what we’re doing right now , complaining about this runny turd of a show taking up space here...

Still nobody gonna really talk about Silo, just this trash, huh?