For a second I thought we might get a return to acting from Daniel Day-Lewis.
For a second I thought we might get a return to acting from Daniel Day-Lewis.
Yeah, I wouldn’t say “ready to do the right thing,” but when Sally and John aren’t there, he tells Tom to call the cops. I think it’s only after he realizes that they’re gone that he decides he might as well do the right thing because in his own fucked-up way he cares about Gene. Then Gene kills him.
Barry arrives at Cousineau’s ready to do the right thing.
Hader has talked repeatedly in interviews about how Barry has gotten dumber every season (to the point where he started the final season literally calling Gene from prison to ask if he’d been tricked). In that spirit, “Oh, Wow!” are the funniest last words. I can’t stop laughing about it.
“I have never seen it, but by all accounts, it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”
That assumes the “younger generation” is watching any of the so-called garbage movies he’s putting out now, which don’t seem to be getting watched by much of anyone. If DeNiro is on their radar at all, it’s because they’ve gone back to watch some classic cinema.
Orson Welles did a bunch of garbage (he was voicing pea…
Every actor has worked on bad movies at some point in their career.
Just checking, but we all knew that Kevin was dead as soon as he was handed the hot chocolate, right?
Not just beta testing on their customers - on the public at large!
They are definitely going to lose their blue check for this one.
Good “both sides” bullshit.
“...and whatever happens, make sure the sneaky and illegal things you do on Tesla’s orders are not recorded anywhere.” say Tesla’s guidelines document.
Lottie strikes you as a...normal person?
There wasn’t. There’s a blink and you miss it moment when the girls are talking to Javi after he returned, and one of them is asking him where he found the Queen card.
Obviously at some point in season three, a wolf will eat her face again. On the same spot.
The tease for the entire show was reaching a point where they are hunting one another (a point now reached) - the series opening and trailers promised the lord of the flies style pagan wilderness cult component, the first season even very deliberately moving the necklace between characters as a statement that it was a…
My conspiracy theory since “Lend me your ear” is that Walter is related to Adam. Walter is the was the bone marrow recipient!
It's unusual to refer to this episode as getting into the back half of the season - that was four episodes back - this was the penultimate episode of the season