
Thank god you’re here to save us from potentially having any fun.

You are the reason more people want to stay home and not babysit people who can’t make friends outside of the office. 

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very

Says someone who didn’t pay his office rent.

Don’t like Fallon and don’t watch him. But, he is the frontman for the show, not the owner. He doesn’t likely have much authority in this decision, because he doesn’t have a ton of financial leverage nor frontman-leverage (since the show is already off the air). He could pay the staff out of his own pocket, but I

As a reminder, Conan paid all his staff during the last strike

NBC doesn’t just have a bunch of cash floating around to pay employees to not work. They’re still spending almost all their budget trying to make it 1997 again through science or magic

Two of my favorite movies are Lawrence of Arabia (3h42m) and Sherlock Jr. (45m).

i don’t recall any weird optics around Shang-Chi, i thought most felt it was one of the highlights, if not the acme, of phase 4.

that he is still in the show.

So what you’re saying is: you don’t understand how psychological abuse works, and because you don’t understand it you’re going to assume it’s not real and everyone just chose to be abused? Be a little more humble and learn about something before dismissing it - you sound like a total dolt.

Considering certain people have taken to throwing around the word “groomer” as an insult, I thought I’d point out that this is actually what grooming looks like. Grooming is not something that happens to child watching a dude in drag read a book for a few minutes. It’s persistent, it’s intimate, and it’s usually coerce

Young me saw American History X more then once.

When this question is asked on forums around, the top answer is usually Irreversible.

For the latter, Landis dropped a Pinto 1,200 feet from a helicopter!

I think you’d be hard-pressed to call prop planes, submarines, and TIE fighters cars, though.

Gene lost Janice Moss (Paula Newsome), ruined his legacy, and now reappears to chase fame again.” [emphasis added]

Here’s a thought: that scene was supposed to be confusing because Sally lives in a haze of alcoholic despair and PTSD. So writing and directing a scene where the audience is as disoriented and scared as Sally immerses us in the world of the show more fully and gives us more empathy for the characters of Sally and

When the barista joined them— and the way Fuches talked about her and her daughter at dinner— I assumed she’d been writing him on the inside, something like that. (Sort of a Selma / Sideshow Bob situation, if you will.)