
As promised, I went down and distributed coffee and donuts at the Netflix picket line in Hollywood this morning. Said hi to Colton Dunn and David Wain. We’re planning to go down once a week to give out coffee, food, etc. as long as the strike runs.

I was surprised to not see any of these on here, most of which are much better.

If you want good writing you're going to have to pay for it.

Thank goodness we still have the writers at the AV Club turning out quality writing for us every day! It would be unconscionable if they all just got up and left due to unfair corporate practices...

Technically excellent. The best kind of excellent.

Maybe Affleck and Pitt could comment on the accuracy of Goop candle smells....but then again, they probably wouldn’t kiss and tell like a classless person would.

Nelson, Elliott, and Bush are all being inducted in the performer category, alongside Cheryl Crow, Sheryl Crow, George Michael, Rage Against the Machine, and The Spinners.

... Manuel, are you okay?

The only thing that’s lost its way here is the quality of the reviewers on this site. Truly the bottom of the barrel here.

They're still working out the kinks. 

She had me until approval on costumes? The fuck?

Guild members demonstrated collective resolve and support of the agenda with a 97.85% strike authorization.”

Social media loves someone it can champion”.

Now playing

Tik Tok kids don’t realize that Conan did this joke 11 years ago

Never hotter than with his face melting off in Robocop.

The Raven flies again!

Seems that way, by how they all stopped eating and waited until he started eating until they continued.  That’s a huge sign of respect.

Speaking of Gene’s bread adventures, I’m pretty sure he was also trying to cut through the plastic bag, instead of taking the loaf out first.