
Fixed it for you :)

This is the one, this is the day the music died. 

So the same procedure as restarting an iPad that you wrote last month

Writer of article in greys LUL

lmfao dark days for these sites

You proud of yourself?

Watching the finale of GoT was like our own waterboarding...

They haven’t run out of Apple tips yet that any normal person can find on Bing or using Copilot

RIP Gizmodo. I’m sorry they’ve done this to you.

i wish it would

Sitting in a see through chair while wearing a bikini, with cameras on your feet, face and ass is a weird was to play Minecraft....

I miss being able to talk about stuff like this on Kotaku.

Nothing here couldn’t already be done with eye tracking with winking to click. 

Any minute now.

Or at best it’s tracking eye movements or the like.

I mean, you already pay a premium for delivery services like DoorDash. In addition to delivery fees, menu prices are often higher for DoorDash items.

So the nazis are experimenting on the disabled again. Plus ça change...

I read the headline as “the Neuralink livestreams caused him to become paralysed”

give it a week to a week and a half

(the Brotherhood of Steel), decked out in silver armor not unlike Halo’s Spartan garb