
In their defense, I think most of us tried to repress any and all memory that this show ever existed.  

Could also just be taking a much deserved break. Suits ended in 2019, COVID hit 2020 and like half of 2021, it’s only 2024 now. A 5 year break seems long on paper but after an 8-year regular stint on a show, I could see him just taking time off.

You’re watching it wrong.   It’s an amazing show to have on in the background while you fold laundry.

It sounds like you’re having a lot of trouble getting through Suits, and you don’t say a single positive thing about the show.

This is riveting content.

I mean its TikTok, most everything is low-bar (or low-IQ) on there.

The bar for “recreating” something seems really, really low these days.

This article.

Someone wrote it.

Some one was an editor on it.

Someone approved it.

Feeling good there, Ken? About the whole semen-water Fortnite article. That you spent part of your time on this earth writing. Hoo, boy.

Bad sign that things are so dicey at GO Media that they need to start crowd-sourcing their rage bait.

The huge uptick in slideshow “articles” over the last month has gotten way outta control.

Categorizing FFXVI as an RPG is a pretty big fucking stretch.  

If Final Fantasy XVI can be considered an RPG, then the term has lost all meaning.

Why do you guys keep saying FF16 is “full of sex” are you all a bunch of puritanical nuns with the sensibilities of a someone raised during the Victorian era? is making out and one scene with implied nudity too much sex for the Kotaku staff?

i’ve played a lot of D4 this year
A good rpg it is not.

Rogue Trader is much more entertaining RPG-wise than most of those action games

Seems to be less “best RPGs” and more “any RPG we mentioned this year”

more fatphobic drivel.

Can’t wait to see the data on how many anti-vaxxers are lining up for this.

Is Musk pretending to be so dumb that free speech equates to malicious slander?

If that thing looks like your turd, you probably could benefit from this research.