
Well, at least you can all stop lying about her not shoplifting. And her being shot for shoplifting.

Now playing

This (black) woman ain’t buyin’ it and spent 2.5 hours tellin’ us why. I’m not watchin’ that, but based on the vid of this chick smackin’ the guy with the glasses she looks like an idiot. Pretty sure that one was staged as he didn’t even react.

Well shoot. I was going to donate toher GFM but it seems to have completely disappeared. There’s another one in her name, started by someone in an entirely different state though.

‘No.’ And he picked up a brick, in front of so many men, and was like, ‘What are you going to do?’” To be clear, this isn’t about blaming Black men for a Black woman being attacked.

“Think about COVID,” said Blake. “Americans were fine receiving stimulus checks. But yet, polling is negative about reparations. So that means that there’s a mindset of no, Black people shouldn’t be advanced economically, even though Black folk received stimulus checks as everyone else.”

What’s the over/under on Lamar finishing the season on the field?

Damn, Kyler Murray has been so ineffective that y’all are just ignoring him now? (I mean, I get it, but....)

You are forgetting that Mike McDaniel refuses the Black identity tag: last year (feb. 11. 22, espn) he made a point of identifying simply “as a human being”. He further stated, “first and foremost, I’m biracial. My mom’s white, my dad’s Black. I’ve been extremely proud of that my whole life.”

As a result, you will have more artists who don’t submit their songs for nominations and less fans tuning in to the live show.”

Nothing says Black empowerment like working for Amazon. 

What a surprise - black candidate not qualified for job and doesn’t finish the job.  Affirmative action at its finest!

We don’t know what killed this person, so to speculate that it was the chip itself seems a bit premature. Either way, this poor kid was taken too early. I hope they find out whatever it was.

It’s actually impressive how often I read an article by The Root and I think this is the dumbest thing ever written.   Kalyn Womack is the stupidest “journalist” in world history.   No one is stupider.  Or fatter.  Than her.  

I mean, the individual doesn’t exactly seem to be the most sane person...

To be fair lines like this “I have waited for this game since the trademark rumors of 2015-2016 (don’t remember when exactly)“ Kinda sound pretty sus. the level of a trademark rumor this could be a fuckin’ Nutrient Bar for all anyone would know and this guy buying front row seats to the Hype Train.


I’d imagine the explosion would have woken someone up.

while i do appreciate the great photos, the events were not held after Labour Day.  thus making your headline misleading, no?

Ah of those people that thinks “QOTATION MARKS” are for “EMPHASIS!

Now do an article about mobs of Black youths stealing THOUSANDS in merch from department stores, Home Depot. Black Lives Matter, but only when you can point the finger at white people. To hell with accountability and self-reflection. 

“In the end, they realized they had the wrong guy and apologized for stirring up trouble”