
FYI - They changed the story (check other liberal sources that re-posted the original article. Yahoo for example) - the writer was ignorant and claimed he was the only black person in the 19. But true to the pathetic ‘journalism’ at The Root - there is no notation of correction showing they made an error. So for

Absolutely. This article is very disconcerting. Doing side quests is knew thing. Pacing sucking to the tune of 50 hours is another.

I feel like anytime one of these large games comes out there ends up being a quote like this from one of the developer/publisher talking heads and they’re obviously saying it as a selling point, which I’m sure it is to some people, but to me, a person that struggles to even finish plenty of 20 hour games, it’s just

Yes, he's trying to make it sound like it has impressive longevity when really what he's saying is that a huge chunk of their game is going to be a waste of time

If a game doesn’t really get going until around 50 hours once the main quest is done, then shouldn’t the main quest be better?

Is this meant to be complimentary of the game? “You have to spend 50-100 hours playing through the main quest before you’re really going to be able to get into the game.” Why should it take that long for a game to get exciting?

“What they’re doing here is trying to take the stink off their movie, and some nice platitudes about human kindness aren’t going to cut it.”

The Root has never been an outlet for solid journalism. It’s an entertainment blog. There have been good writers working here, but I would never describe its journalism as good. But, fuck me, the bar has fallen so low here it’s embarrassing.

Hello. I’d like to apply for a job at because even I know that Floyd isn’t “the only Black defendant in the sprawling RICO indictment.” Man, who edits these articles? You had to go out of your way to not mention the black woman Trevian Kutti Floyd called and told to go harass and threaten Ruby Freeman. Is

“Trump and his allies seem to have largely ignored the only defendant currently paying for their crimes.”

First of all, ol girl who used to be Kanye’s publicist is also indicted in this RICO case with Donnie and them. And she is black as far as I know, so Mr. “Neegrows for Thump” is not the only black defendant in this case. Black male defendant, yes.

Your AI is showing: “Though, the logos from the man’s shirt and the GreenWatt website favor.” fuck is this supposed to mean? 

What happened to him was horrible, but how long is a company supposed to pay someone who isn’t working? He hasn’t been working for a year and a half. What happened to him will affect him for the rest of his life, but Fedex isn’t required to keep him on the payroll for the rest of his life.

This article does not mention if the person who is treating Gibson, or any professionals who have evaluated him as part of this offer, have said that the work he is being offered — desk-bound, non- delivery — is something that Gibson should be able to perform..

Clickbait head line, or terrible writing in this article?

Is “when he continued driving” wokespeak for “asshole fled from the police stop”?

Clickbait head line, or terrible writing in this article?

Is that how you understand “unnatural hair color” though? I understand it as “don’t dye your hair pink, purple, blue, neon red, etc.

He’s a rapist

Kobe is a rapist. The Root complains about DeShaun Watson in one article and praises a rapist in another. Shows what a joke this website is. “Black excellence” about a rapist who got away with it by using his wealth and smearing the victim. Despicable article.