
It really is comically bad. They think the viewer is so dumb that just because they don’t have a scene where someone asks who he’s talking to like when he’s talking to his dead wife that no one will figure out Kessler isn’t really there.

We’ll just chalk that up to being one of the half a dozen or so times this review uses the wrong word.

How is it unbelievable she didn’t pop the heads of the sheep? It seems like she usually has to stand still and concentrate on the target to use her power and there were 4 or so flying sheep zipping around the sky, so if she stops to blow up one the other 3 would have just torn her to shreds.

He looks like the bastard love child of Colin Hanks and Frankie Muniz during his Malcolm in the Middle years.

Obviously they were struggling, it’s been hard to pay the bills off just the $53 million in crypto they raised a few years back.

That is actually what they’re pitching. Bannon and the rest are claiming he’s a democrat advocate trying to smear the republicans and make them look like the cheaters.

I hadn’t seen those comments, but that sadly doesn’t surprise me. It also mildly reminds me of when they started disabling comment sections on these sites since they seemed to be perfectly fine with the trolling and racism, it was when comment sections filled up with people pointing out factual/grammar errors

No need to worry about the dismal health care, once we deregulate everything more people will just die at work/going about their daily routines so they won’t even need healthcare. Checkmate.

At least if Trump wins we can look forward to 4+ years of people blaming Bidenflation for prices skyrocketing because it definitely isn’t caused by the incredibly stupid tariff plan Trump keeps tossing around. And we’ll get rid of all those immigrants!!!... except all the ones that go to college here and get automatic

I think we both know the human writers here have had equally bad or worse mistakes.

They’re going the alternate route and just claiming he’s actually a democrat operative despite the whole him posting a bunch of right wing shit and following trump/catturd/etc on Truth/X

Crazy Town was actually used as a recruiting tool because of it’s ability to make people instantly hate everything America.

Nice to now have multiple instances with the same guy where an average person would have been arrested and instead everyone just shrugs and goes about their business.

I don’t get how it isn’t actually illegal. Plenty of states have had grooming laws on the books for this exact situation for years and if he was trying to meet up with her at Twitchcon if either one was crossing state lines it adds a whole new aspect to it.

I get a kick out of Wendy Rogers and co. using this as proof that the elections have been rigged, despite the fact this guy is a Trump supporter.

I zoomed through so fast just glancing over things I honestly didn’t even realize it was in alphabetical order until now

Kudos to whoever made sure the list goes directly from How to Have Sex to Hundreds of Beavers.

No talk of Psych? They gave us real Zane and guy that looks like Zane!

I have brought shame to my family with this error.

That’s a heck of a catch, I didn’t even notice it until watching it again either.