
I loved the original but at this point I’d rather they just not. Between a lot of the jokes probably just failing at this point and most of the original cast being dead/retired they should just let this idea go.

But now you can buy/sell Pokemon cards at GameStop, the final piece to rebuilding!

People can just start stocking up on water balloons to aid their getaway.

Dammit Hammer, calling cybertrucks cool looking was the dumbest thing you’ve done since trying to disarm that nuclear warhead.

Gonna be an awful lot of lawsuits from people getting sliced open by gently brushing against the car while being put into the backseat.

Part of me wonders if this interview was done in person or if he had an AI avatar do it in his place while he was at the beach.

When I was young my dad bought a giant centipede that was about 8" long. It escaped its first week, luckily it was found and put back in it’s enclosure with a more secure top this time. I voted for napalming the house.

Why did you use a picture of MTG for the top image?

If he didn’t buy the chip like an idiot and instead went for a jog and died because the jog elevated his heart rate is it still the chip’s fault, is it the running or at that point do we acknowledge it was in fact the fault of the heart defect?

Now i keep imaging that scenario except it’s a pair of Kuatos

Agreed, I had a free Paramount+ sub for a few months so I watched the specials and I found them to be between meh and just bad, not even funny bad just bad bad.

I’ve been in direct sunlight tons of times and have never developed skin cancer, therefore I’m immune.

Also, requiring a Comcast sub means even if this bundle is a little less than getting them on their own it’ll probably be worse since you’ll be locked into a Comcast contract, meanwhile if you just get them on their own you can take advantage of discounts when they pop up or just drop them for a while.

It’s not entirely clear how much the new bundle will cost, but the cheapest way to get all three streamers, at the moment, costs users $23.

I’m guessing any Prime users that actually do cancel their membership because of the ads will be signing up in a month or two when they realize how much they’re spending in shipping now.

Are you including Trump Media just for the clicks? It’s up 3%, hardly a surge to include with AMC which is up 84% and GameStop which is up 72%.

These are bloggers, it’s like journalism except they replace the actual journalism with slideshows and Twitter posts from guys with 7 followers that happen to agree with the blogger.

Clicks. They do it for clicks. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not or even if she really was hinting at that.

I mentioned both things have ads, like pretty much everything else in the world. Comparing the cost of streaming what you want when you want and something that had a very limited amount of channels and you watch what they show or nothing is disingenuous.

How is it BS? Do you understand how they pay licensing rights for the stuff they stream?