
20-30 year ago me would love to have had an option to pay $3/month for no commercials on TV, meanwhile now it’s apparently the hill people will die on with Prime.

But again, there have always been commercials DURING. It’s not like television shows you commercials before/after your show.

If you’re comparing on-demand streaming to broadcast TV from years ago I refuse to accept you’re being serious.

Sharp enough at that height to cut him that badly, good thing kids that like to run around and play aren’t around that tall otherwise something serious could happen.

The second part of your post is what blows my mind the most. People losing their mind over 2 minutes of ads at the beginning of a show/movie, or a couple minutes throughout. 30 minute television shows used to be about 20-22 minutes of actual show and 8-10 minutes of commercials but somehow this change by Prime is

Brief ads on streaming services make things unwatchable? Television used to be 25-33% commercials and people watched that perfectly fine.

Fuck T-Mobile. That’s all I have to say about that.

Yeah based on the headline either Anakin had a doll we never knew about or we’re supposed to have sex with the doll. Not really sure which.

S3 of Dexter was definitely not my favorite since a lot of the Jimmy Smits bits were painfully dumb.

So yesterday was a very meh review of a $1050 iBuyPower desktop, complaining about how for that price you only get a mid-range computer.

Complaining in 2024 that $1,150 just gets you a mid-range gaming computer seems kind of out of touch on a tech website. If you buy pre-built you’ve been paying 850-1,250 for mid-range for close to a decade. $1,800+ is when you start getting closer to high-end rigs.

Desperate attempt for clicks?

How dare you question the clickbaity headlines/articles this site has been reduced to.

They deserve nothing as punishment for coming up with the kicking the map into the creek bit.

I have to believe even they know it’s a stretch, they’re just hoping playing the victim will get someone to give them some money. The fact they didn’t bother getting a good lawyer that specializes in that type of deal is on them. It would have cost a bit but A. It’s possible a lawyer with experience in the field could

That’s my thoughts too. If residuals weren’t in the contract then either neither party thought it was going to be very successful or these guys were terrible negotiators along with attorneys/agents they had on their side.

I like the idea of the grant but I don’t believe they deserve residuals. If residuals weren’t part of the original deal then they had no reason to expect another single dime after their sale price. Acting surprised and outraged they never had a movie company voluntarily give them money they weren’t owed and didn’t ask


Anything for the extra clicks.