
The social media/body armor makers being listed as defendants will get laughed out of court immediately, with the suit against the gun maker being dismissed shortly after.

Random person: These 3D printers can cost anywhere from $10,000-$500,000

I’ve done a couple rewatches since watching it when it was on originally and yes, the final season is just painfully bad (I hated so much when they tried to go comedy with the Louis pretending to be Harvey bit). I also hate the portion when Mike was in prison.

I wish I could give you all the stars. I finally got around to watching season 22 on Peacock and holy shit is that some bad writing full of buzzwords and dumb plots.

My Rick will wake up in the hospital, realize he has full access to painkillers and immediately die of an overdose.

Meanwhile anyone that pointed out her claim that it was trigger locked in the top of the closet was bullshit was immediately scolded for not knowing what they’re talking about.

Bragging rights. That’s pretty much it.

They cared so little they wrote articles on here complaining about it? That makes sense.

You're so dumb you think you caught me in a lie because you don't understand hyperbole? Bless your heart.

So according to this site tax cuts to the rich and corporations don’t fix anything, but money to the rich entertainers fixes the economy.

Schrodinger’s Manager

He’s just pissed that he’s so broke he had to bust out a credit card to buy 2 candy bars.

At least Levi over on Kotaku finally took the time to respond to comments the other day and address the fact that yes, most the articles on G/O anymore are clickbait garbage but that’s because that’s what they’re forced to write by the new VC ownership.

The irony is a bit much considering how often this site complains about politicians overusing the term woke without being able to define it.

The “writers” on this site were traumatized by white people being included in Juneteenth advertising.

Most stores even have shit posted all around the counter that photo ID is required for CC purchases.

He’s convinced this incident was racist just like how he claimed the judge was racist for holding him in contempt for being over a quarter million behind in child support and refusing to owe the total of like 700k he was found to owe his ex, her lawyers, and current/past child support.

It’s so far beyond reaching it’s almost humorous. My favorite part is Tyrese dropping the nugget about how his neighbor is Home Depot’s CEO and he’s gonna get this taken care of.

Unfortunately this article follows Claire’s previous theme of the majority of D4 articles on this site are just full of inaccuracies.