
1408 has multiple endings as well. When I first realized that I started to wonder if I had actually seen the end of the movie before.

True, although I don’t get why they didn’t just make this under a new series name and remove the chocobos. Then they’d still have the RPG series to go with and the new action series IP.

If you get rid of what little RPG elements are still there what does make it a Final Fantasy game? It’s already just Game of Thrones story in a DMC game.

Of fucking course he did. It’s just pathetic now how much him and Candace will edit out of articles other people already wrote to make them into something they’re not.

The headline was changed after they posted that. The original headline is the same as the link name.

These have been sold for years now. While it isn’t a great look I’m guessing someone just ordered a ton of whatever human cutouts popped up first when they were looking to buy them.

How long until someone buys one and while using it the dog falls over and the person accidentally lights themselves on fire?

I actually think you’re underestimating the number. A lot of the country is going through pretty bad drought conditions, we can easily top 50,000% increase based on the general stupidity of people that would buy something like this.

An article on this subject just isn’t the same without also including the picture of the guy that discovered it like Family Guy did.

Well most sane people wouldn’t want their husband to go 13,000 feet underwater in an unsafe submersible to visit the place where her great-great grandparents drowned. And I never said my feelings are automatic for everyone, I specifically said the second part of that was just for me personally.

What exactly about this would bring another defamation suit? Cardi admits to having the guns and doesn’t deny there being pictures of them she posted like Tasha says, and then she just says that people cope with loss in different ways.

Isidor’s body was reportedly found at sea weeks after the Titanic sunk, but Ida’s was never recovered. This all may give some context as to why Wendy Rush, OceanGate’s communications director, has gone on multiple expeditions to visit the Titanic wreckage in the past few years—a voyage to a mass grave site that

If they let a gang member go to graduation after being involved in a gang-related shooting they could risk liability if there is a shooting at graduation. The fact that he was shot and not the shooter doesn’t change this.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. I’m trying to wrap my head around your claim.

In her current condition I’m not sure Feinstein is of sound mind to make legal decisions for herself, yet her making decisions for the entire country is perfectly fine. This makes sense.

You’d also think a serious professor of journalism wouldn’t have this as part of her bio in an article.

Musk would definitely claim his lawyers told him at the last minute that he shouldn’t do it because he’d get in trouble for seriously injuring Zuck, because as we all know he listens to his legal staff.

Obviously Walt Nauta is going to be his VP pick.

Same. I wish they had gone back to an XII or even XIII combat style instead of going full action RPG if they just didn’t want to go with turn-based. If I feel like popping some edibles and playing for a while or playing while half asleep I really don’t like the idea of dying in a FF game because I didn’t dodge an

None of this is surprising. We’ve heard stories in the past of how Trump would require candidates to spend X amount at his resorts in return for him endorsing them.