
Yeah, it defeats the entire purpose of hardcore mode if you start restoring hardcore characters. We know there are issues causing situations like this, if people choose to play HC anyway they have to accept that as part of the risk. One of the reasons I wish this had single player mode.

He’s so ridiculously lucky that pub incident didn’t go much worse. He’s a trained fighter, that punch could have seriously injured/killed the old guy depending on how it hit and the after effects.

First time here?

The bizarre thing is he keeps getting the benefit of the doubt and his denials keep being believed... despite the fact more and more keep popping up.

If you’re going to claim your eating habits aren’t the reason for your weight maybe you shouldn’t do a GrubHub commercial where you have to order ice cream because you absolutely can’t make it through the time it takes to take a bath without eating ice cream.

Now he can fire all those workers for not working from the office. Everything is going according to plan.

I’m sure there already is. Pretty much as soon as PPP requirements were released they had videos on how to fake enough documents to get approved and which lenders would let you/didn’t care enough to prevent it.

I think The Root killed irony with that line.

Calling it both federally legal and dispensary strength seems like an oxymoron. I’ve tried stuff like this and no, it definitely isn’t like the stuff I can get at the dispensary.

Calling it both federally legal and dispensary strength seems like an oxymoron. I’ve tried stuff like this and no,

The reason I’m asking is that this article is something no self respecting journalist would willingly put their name on.

Wait a second, Candace is trying to turn an ordinary situation into something horribly racist? I refuse to believe this based on her usual calm and fair “writing”.

It’s no longer enough to make sure you don’t end up in a situation like this, now you have to make sure a friend, family member, or person you met up with once to exchange items through Craigslist never gets in a spot like this because your name is entering the fray.

No, if it was just yelling back and forth I fully expect the woman to get charged. If part of the heated exchange was Owens banging on/kicking on the door, that combined with Florida wouldn’t surprise me if the shooter walks.

The Yarl shooting isn’t really a good comparison to use since that was a kid who just happened to go to the wrong house, since there was a heated exchange as this article says the shooter here could probably actually make a claim they felt threatened.

“We intend to present mitigating evidence that we trust the Court will view favorably at sentencing later this year following preparation of a pre-sentence report.”

The part I love about adding that now is that last week they used Fast X as an example of how badly other movies were doing compared to the greatest film ever, The Little Mermaid remake.

The autopsy showing COD as cocaine/enlarged heart and the fact he had just caused a car accident while DUI probably won’t help their lottery ticket of $50m.

As I mentioned in the other thread I’m guessing it’s the whole any crime that happens while you’re committing a felony is on you. Maybe the kids were playing with a lighter in the car and that’s how the fire started, so their arson is now on her?

It’s going to be an interesting test of the any crime that happens while you’re in the commission of a felony can be tacked onto you.

Obviously she meant to pay for the items, but her spider sense went off and she knew the car was on fire so she ran out of the store to save her children, completely forgetting to pay or drop the items.