
When he tried to avoid taking the stand in the Dominion case he claimed the travel would be too much for him and the judge brought up this engagement and the travel associated with the wedding not being too much so he was apparently fine to take the stand.

Due diligence on the subject could have also avoided the headline for the article itself since they said they weren’t going to do the traditional mug shot/fingerprinting for him when he surrenders.

If you’re looking for accuracy, proper grammar or spellchecked articles you’re in the wrong place.

The same person that posted like 30 articles about how Chris Rock deserved to be attacked for making a joke and that men deserve to have their nudes stolen from their electronic devices if she finds them attractive because she knew they would generate clicks despite being shitty takes now doesn’t like things done just

Not sure how he didn’t know that since he is trying to pass himself off as intelligent with that response. It is literally in the paperwork you get served with that if you don’t show up to court to defend yourself the judge can just rule for the plaintiff.

I would absolutely love to read whatever garbage The Root would post if someone did a “Whites only” exhibit at a public museum.

I managed to kill him once after dying to him on all my other characters. He got stuck in a corner around a turn and my minions took him out after like 5 minutes.

Yeah, there’s a reason these life changes came when the cars have been repossessed, the bills have gone unpaid, the bank account empties. She didn’t find Jesus, she found out she’s going broke.

Don’t you fucking push me Vince. Send the check.

Her text to him that it was her fault for trying to grab his phone sounds less like a recant and more like a victim feeling it’s their fault for being attacked.

Bonus points for using the description of “dopest” like it’s 20 years ago.

She forgot to use the anointing water, that’s where this all went south.

I don’t think fans of the original were even that excited with the last attempt at a reboot. I was looking forward to it but I didn’t care for a lot of it, especially the alternating back and forth between episodes that move the story line forward and episodes that just serve as filler.

Is anyone connected to the E.T. game still alive or did they do a suicide pact to atone for what they brought upon the Earth?

There’s something off about this. I fought against that world boss on my rogue with a 500+ dmg crossbow, full legendaries and a bunch of other people for the full time allotment and we got it to like 70% when the clock ran out.

I need to dive back into Last Epoch, I haven’t touched it for at least a year. I really wish that had gotten a console port instead of Wolcen because good god the Wolcen port is not good.

That isn’t necessarily true since as you can see from the picture below this thing destroyed about everything.

And only the ones that pay will be counted in future polls, setting up his inevitable second poll about whether or not he should step down since he’ll say the first one didn’t count because of bots.

I think she knew it was chambered if she said she was gonna kill his ass tonight before pulling the trigger.

The flirty bits after crawling through sewage and around corpses are painful.