
What’s the big deal? It isn’t like he did something like make fun of an actress at an awards ceremony. Those are the real criminals.

The extra depressing part is the fact it wasn’t even her first Chris Rock article of the day.

Stop acting like her not paying a mortgage is some amazing life hack. Her roommate pays the difference between her mortgage payment and what her tenant pays.

I honestly don’t know which of the articles was the worst at this point.

The Root is here to make sure we know which gangsters and criminals to idolize and which to scorn.

Yeah, this “writer” saying someone else has an overall lack of talent is a huge pot meet kettle situation.

So.. much like the Bumpy article you basically just posted her wiki as a slideshow?

Never give a writer here the benefit of the doubt. Between shitty takes for clicks and just outright nonsense lies like Noah claiming Abraham Lincoln was racist because he owned slaves you just need to accept that most of the writers at Root/Jez are garbage.

It’s not his fault, he got them as a dowry when he married Abraham Lincoln who was the biggest slave owner in history.

He acknowledges Jokic is great, but this is racism because he has won 2 years in a row despite playing since 2015, while the 13 winners before Jokic were all POC. More solid journalism.

From what I’ve seen MGM (and Epix before the name change) basically share a movie inventory with Amazon Prime because anytime something gets added to Prime it starts popping up on one of the MGM channels.


Since Noah thinks Abraham Lincoln owned slaves and has no problem putting that in his articles I don’t think there’s much he actually bothers to research before posting.

Get out of here with your facts and reasonable takes, this is where Noah rages about how this is obviously a racist situation.

So, any update coming on how you guys fell for a prank and ran with this as actual news?

Who is going to shoot the post down? I think it’s basically been the inmates running the asylum over here for a while now.

Not only will she leave it up, she’ll repost it as [UPDATE] in like a week with really nothing of substance added to get more clicks like she did with the article claiming Rock deserved to be slapped.

The Root Writer Obsessed With Chris Rock, T. J. Holmes, Report says. And This Surprises Who?

This “writer”? Never.

So, so much projection in Elon’s tweet. I especially love the guy that claimed he isn’t responsible for his actions because he has autism complaining about a guy with MD not working hard enough for his liking.