
Gonna be one hell of a list by the end of the year if they keep updating when mobile games die.

I do get a kick out of the number of Twitter users with 50-250 followers that paid for blue

If Candace couldn’t do articles about these two and the generic “Black Twitter/White Twitter are going crazy about *insert random thing she tried to make a thing*” I don’t know what she would do.

Of all the people on this site, and Candace is the one to do it. Amazing.

It is nice of him to take a few months out of his year to be a dad before he starts that TV deal, because we all know he needs the paychecks.

That would require actual research taking up to possibly 15 minutes, this way she can just insert a tweet from the NFL and write 2 sentences and then reuse the rest from the halftime show articles and it counts towards her quota.

It’s amazing how many of her stories are trying to make a non-issue an issue then popping out stories about it nonstop to act like it’s a bigger thing than it is.

With the amount of articles on here about their relationship vs elsewhere it seems like the obsession is just you guys.

Don’t you mean when and not unless.

This obsession with this couple is a bit creepy for you guys, especially since now that they’re not coworkers they’re just two people in a relationship and yet you guys still can’t let it go.

This exactly. Combined with the politicians talking about how their states need to start getting involved in crypto is all just attempts to get the price to jump again after diving for months so they can get the most out of it when they dump.

Especially helps when they decide to go on looting sprees of businesses owned by minorities.

Since when does this site use journalists?

So over time you became good with people paying off their sexual assault victims?

Babylon’s Fall is an excellent example. Even as news came out about just how big of a train wreck that thing was it stayed full price.

Or he could be doing it to take attention off the news about his testimony.

I think the decline happened rather quickly in season 1, and it shouldn’t have gone on as long as it did. It had so much promise pairing del Toro with vampires and giving them multiple seasons to work with, but how the hell does the end result turn into New York is now somehow cut off from the rest of the world, and

Then they can do a reboot of the show based on the game about the show.

The legal team for the cockroaches, lice and bedbugs is currently putting together a defamation suit.

Plus most likely any late fees legally allowed in each situation since he’s not arguing that the spaces aren’t habitable for a reason, rather just that he didn’t feel like paying rent anymore.