
So they use a picture of a woman looking at the screen while glancing at the road in front of her with video clearly on the screen for the presser?

For the love of god, spell check your headlines. That’s just embarrassing.

Combination of owning the libs and tax writeoff. Banks were already admitting they’re fucked and have to take giant haircuts on the deal because they couldn’t sell the idea of a profitable twitter to investors, and that was a week ago before he lit the place on fire. Probably making a pretty penny selling off logs of

I guess I’m a bit confused then as to the way he’s doing it. Since he already let them go and gave them the necessary pay to avoid WARN, does that mean that even if they come back they still get the 3 months of pay, plus whatever their actual salary is for the time they come back, then an additional 3 months of pay

I still don’t get how this works. If they’ve been fired but they’re still drawing paychecks as a way for Twitter to avoid getting sued for WARN violations isn’t it really just a bigger severance paid over time and it’s still a WARN violation for doing a mass layoff with no warnings?

The problem is gun nuts buy guns with the sole intent of shooting someone the first chance they get. I own a gun but I hope I never have to use it on a person, even if they were to break in to my house.

If your job is dependent upon there always being a market for shoes that look like that you probably realize you could find yourself unemployed at any time.

Again, we’ll still never hit the peak low from the other week of an outrage article that used the writer’s own blog post as a main source for the article.

I think the 9 a.m. is the final purge for the week, what we’ve seen so far is a small sampling of what’s about to happen. Unless legal finally told him to cancel this shit to cut down on the size of the plaintiff pool.

As someone online pointed out, one of the most hilarious things about this is how much his followers love to bitch about people that live off government money meanwhile if they do institute a sub fee for blue checks then he would be getting most his money from the government to pay for public officials accounts.

Probably just sorted through all the employees posts and anyone that has ever said anything bad about him or his group of friends got fired immediately.

Fair point. Vigilante Musk fanboy Twitter employee going after his hero’s targets in hopes of keeping his job and staying in his good graces?

The sad thing is it could just be coincidental timing. With as many people as the man child has fired, and the rest knowing they’re probably on the way out soon as well, should we expect it to work?

The guy is a petulant child, the fact they offered 3x appraised value and told people that if they didn’t accept they’d use eminent domain tells me their legal team advised them they wouldn’t win if they went the eminent domain route.

Yeah, while a lot more difficult to prove for obvious reasons they are absolutely binding.

Don’t forget, it isn’t just taking on the extra work for the fired people you also get the batshit deadlines like him walking in and saying if you don’t get this new thing coded and ready to go in the next 7 days you’re fired too.

Nah, he’s rich so he’ll get off easy. There was an article the other day I saw that talked about how the lenders that put up a bunch of the money are being pretty open about the fact that they’re going to have to take a huge haircut on this because they don’t have a way to sell this to investors as being a profitable

One of my favorite parts of this whole thing is Elon claiming he has to charge for blue checks to pay the bills, because advertising doesn’t pay the bills. Looking over the financials to make sure something makes enough to pay the bills seems like something you would do before the purchase, not after.

Yet again people insist on calling something a hate crime, despite there being no crime happening. Is it offensive and dumb, of course, this doesn’t make it a crime.

Doll Lives Matter?