
Since it has to do with portals to hell and the undead the least they can do is get Bruce Campbell in there.

I love the fact that he’s somehow surprised they’d block his number, since this entire thing has the makings of a scam. If I get a text that says “Hi, you don’t know me but I accidentally sent you a bunch of money through Zelle, can you send it back no questions asked?” I’m blocking that number too.

Yeah as usual a shitty clickbait headline that is worded to make it seem the judge is just making blanket threats to arrest his family members just because they’re family, not because they’re in contempt of court after previous warnings.

As others have pointed out, if that’s the case then there should be a disclaimer stating that’s the reason they don’t have a review of their own.

Officer actually did ask him what kind of porn he was watching, I’m guessing since he was right by a preschool figured it was worth seeing if he would just admit to watching child porn.

Don’t worry, we’d still get regular updates even if she stopped streaming. That being said I doubt this break lasts, and it serves more in terms of an athlete/actor saying they’re retiring just to make their return that much bigger.

Current income won’t really matter. She has stated several times in the past about how well she has invested her money and that she’s pretty much set for multiple lifetimes so in Texas he’ll get half what she has already made anyway.

Pretty fitting that an ad done by Citizens For Sanity sounds like the ramblings of a crazy person.

It’s comically bad that Kotaku can’t be bothered to do its own review of a big name video game release, meanwhile NPR can.

These sites have all turned to hypocritical shit. They all gladly post articles complaining about something then a couple days later post articles complaining about the opposite because they know it will drive clicks. Kotaku posts an article about Hellena Taylor’s demand for a boycott without doing any actual

The people enraged about finding out she was married would have no interest looking up public records and finding out she was married because it ruins their fantasy world.

So you’re saying it’s less likely that an abusive husband heard his own voice for the first time and after years of being garbage he overnight decided to be a good person, and more likely that the woman who has lied about being the victim of crimes before is lying about this for attention and money?

I’m starting to think there aren’t any questions you can ask him that don’t result in him smashing your head or drawing his sword.

I was on one of that same thought processes.

Add in the fact that even if she is trying to moderate him it isn’t for the greater good it’s for her own sake since her livelihood depends on him. She couldn’t care less about the average person she just needs to make sure her money keeps coming in.

The “abortionist bitch” bit likely refers to the fact that Ivanka Trump reportedly urged her dad to praise Planned Parenthood on the debate stage and was expected by many to be a moderating force in the White House on Trump’s anti-abortion agenda.

Who among us hasn’t wanted to pick up Seth Green and drop him in a trash can at some point?

Hofeld said, describing Moore as a bright teen who has never been in trouble before at school.

At least they’re making some progress, this could have been titled

One of the writers here had an article the other week that cited their own blog as a source for a story.