Judgmental Chickens

Scrunchies are awesome. They’ve never stopped being my hair tie of choice. I don’t give a shit if they’re fashionable or not, they do a much better job than any other hair tie/elastic that I’ve ever tried. Not only are they secure, but they’re so much more gentle on both my hair and scalp. And, at least on my dark

I know it’s totally irrational but I want one. I hate how tight my hair feels in regular elastics. I get actual headaches from having my hair up for more than 30 minutes, even if I’m only wrapping the elastic loosely. 112$ is not too much to pay for pain free hair dos


You know what sucks? Besides the obvious. That even if trump gets kicked out of office and publicly ruined, all this shit has been put out there and exposed for the world to see. If the world was a neighborhood, we’re the family whose dad went outside jerked himself off and then took a huge dump on his next door

No, he can’t. His belly is too large.

It’s SO clearly about penile inadequacy that one would almost think even Trump could see it at this point.

I honestly thought he’d already resigned. Interesting that he’s being permitted to “retire”.

You are a very good typist for a four year old!

That was me

I, for one, welcome our new Porg overlords. PORGS!

You left out the most heartrending part of the memorial to Carrie: the music changed to Leia’s Theme when the words appeared on screen.

Ha, exactly the same thing happened when I saw it today, except it was a grown man. That’s the power of Star Wars.

That early scene with Poe and Hux ... that was so freaking weird but honestly I just LOVED it.

There’s that point in the movie where everything goes silent. Our whole theater was silent and then a little boy said “Ohhhhh!” and you could hear the wide eyed wonder in his voice. I felt like that through most of the movie.

That kid is the future of the Rebellion, maybe literally. Did you see what he did with the broomstick?

- Luke milking that thing was gross. But a good reminder that Jedi are weirdos.
^ this alone made me so thankful for Luke’s grumpiness

  • I liked the jokes.

Re: Luke’s astral read of the scene was that it was the sheer effort that killed him, not any “wounds” he sustained with his fight with Kylo.

Yeah he would have fooled me with those eyes lol.