Judgmental Chickens

I would suspect him but he literally can’t turn on the computer, he’s adorably disconnected. He tells me that when the end times come he’ll be fine because he won’t miss twitter etc at all.

Are you sure nerdybirdy and your husband aren’t the same person? Think about it- have you ever seen them in the same room at the same time?

That’s nearly verbatim what my husband said.

Great. Do it. Bye Felicia.

Congratulations, you have contributed to why people don’t come forward!

Unless you’re a lifeguard, I can think of no work place where it’s appropriate to walk around barefoot.

My apologies in advance for the caps

I love classic YA novels!

I always take my friends/family when they come to the bay area to visit. It’s just such a weird little gem. I think my favorite story about her is that because she was insanely rich, every time she went into town and found a fabric for a dress she wanted to make, she would buy ALL of the fabric so that no one else in

Now playing

Lyle Lovett and REK were old high school roommates. Here they are singing one of my favorite Lyle song:

I think Dubya loves Michelle. See; how he was trying to get her attention at the inauguration and the 100% pure sunbeam his faced turned into when she saw and smiled at him.

I miss George W. Bush.

I feel so old. Raise your hand if you were watching season 3 when Keith was kicked off for pattern books!

The only thing I know about Santa Rosa is the Charles M. Schulz Museum is there (I’m a member who has never been there). They sent out an email that the museum is closed indefinitely, right now it is a safe distance from the fire but it has no power.

I grew up in Santa Rosa, and this is so wholly devastating. My childhood has burned up. While my home wasn’t destroyed, homes of good friends and loved ones are completely gone, and the fires are still not wiped out.

Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.


As a musical lover, a counter point argument:

I wish there was an age restriction or term limits or something that got these old fucks out of the government faster. We need fresh minds. We need diversity. We don’t need old white men getting older but still in complete and total control of a world that is changing far faster than they can possibly keep up with.