Judgmental Chickens

There is a time and a place for interruptions. It is a sad fact that many adults don’t know how to engage in appropriate discourse. Our goal should be to educate our students/children, about etiquette. The egocentricity comes in because the student in the video was thinking primarily of his needs (food, not being

That could have been ANY of my students. Man, they have zero problem interrupting adults. Got to love the egocentric pre-teen years.

I love the bus people. My husband needs to know about apology pizza, because that is now going to be a thing in our house. I really want pizza now.

That was such a beautiful burn. It made my day.

Between Marin County and Mendocino lies Anderson Valley. There are a lot of VRBOs and GREAT wineries. My husband and I go for a few days every year and it is out favorite getaway.

Sadly never- food poisoning put the damper on the sexy time.

Jed Yorke is a fucking embarrassment. He wants to think that he is the smartest guy in the room but he is so very far away from being that.

He’s a mix, so there’s always the possibility!

He asks for the bath, every single night. It is really funny!

We got Desmond as a kitten for the dog.

Mine is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Maybe it is a characteristic of the breed?

Mr. Sparkles (the dog) will go after Desmond (the cat) and Desmond just jumps over him. They are hilarious!

I may be biased, because I have a Chihuahua and Maine Coon who love each other!

RIGHT!? They are delicious!

I am in love with that dog!!!!

I went to my 25th High School reunion today. I had such a small class that there were only three of us there (boarding school!). It was interesting and I’m glad I went.

They are in storage :-(

I was in a production of Madama Butterfly as a geisha (I am whiter than white). It was strange, but I guess in the opera it is a little different. I got to wear a kimono that was 70+ years old, and my obi was made from fabric that was even older. It was so amazing, and a total honor to be able to wear something that

Choco Taco. That is all.

My five year old self fell in love with Mark Hamill all over again!