Judgmental Chickens

I passed within inches of him. It was only my overwhelming need to get to the bathroom that kept me from knocking down Calista to take him on the spot!

In honor of this amazing day, I am going full nerd with my outfit. My retro “Empire Strikes Back” shirt and Darth Vader socks. I’m still debating the light saber earrings.

We had a contest at a family gathering and I am proud to say that my husband’s mix won.

They are “mix not muddle” monsters.

They are also the rabid, pro-life faction of the family. I’m not saying there’s a connection but...


Old Fashioneds have been a tradition in my family since forever. I have never watched an episode of Mad Men, yet Old Fashioneds were one of the two featured cocktails at my wedding (along with Manhattans) in honor of my deceased aunt and uncle. We also have dueling recipes. There is a faction in the family that

I just teared up reading your story! So jealous!

If you aren't comfortable traveling with the scans/photocopies, or just to be on the safe side, have someone you trust hold them in the US. My parents do a lot of international travel, and I am the holder of their documents. Should anything happen, I have them at the ready and can do some of the leg work stateside.

H&R Block was $56 and that included filing the state return. it is worth it!

I go through H&R Block online. It is really easy to follow!

The refunds take work. We have expensive hobbies, so we get to write off those expenses. Since we itemize, we usually get a refund.

I’m a teacher, so I wear very little make-up during the week- primer on the lids and eyeliner. On the weekends, I go bare. I’m just super lazy and don’t want to take the time. If I am going out with my husband, I will take the extra steps and wear a “full face” but it is always very subdued. Make-up is a personal

here is my cat giving my dog a bath. May it soothe you and bring you joy.

It is really hard. I did my practicum in two different classrooms and each one had students who were at risk for various things. It was depressing and hard, especially when they hadn’t eaten. The best thing to do is to show the students that you are not giving up on them and are willing to do a little extra to help

Super exciting Saturday night! I’m doing my taxes YEEHAW!

I love this! Thank you for sharing! My school is pretty good about it as well, but we are a very small K-8 school. The issues are there, but not as out in the open as they can be in high school.

Librarians rock! I was an outcast in middle school, and was ignored by all the teachers except for the music/drama teacher and the school librarian. She would leave me books that help me work through the emotions that I was dealing with, and ALWAYS made the library open as a place for me to hide when things were

Now playing

We watched this video in class on Wednesday night and it broke my heart. It is hard enough for transgender teens to navigate through school when their students are not able to accept them, but to have the adults participate is inexcusable. We were asked to think about how we would respond as teachers, and how we can

My dad used to strip mannequins when he found a shirt or dress he thought I would like. He didn’t like to look in the racks to find it there. I would end up with varying sizes with my clothes. At times I was a large, others an x-small.