My dog likes to get "snacks" from the litterbox. The other day he straight up looked me right in the eye while licking one that he had left on the floor for later. Little shit
My dog likes to get "snacks" from the litterbox. The other day he straight up looked me right in the eye while licking one that he had left on the floor for later. Little shit
This is one of my favorite songs, and this version is awesome!
I have super thick hair that will not be contained by clips or pins. I wear my hair up in a bun due to an unending cycle of lice that travels through my class (thank god I only got it once) and the ribbon elastics are the only thing that will keep my hair in the bun.
I will do some initial recon for you and report back as ordered ;-)
I've watched this video over and over again. It is the best!
I'm not a beard person, but I am a Chris Evans with a beard person.
So, you know, there's a guy at my gym who is a dead ringer! Just move to Marin County, and live at 24 Hour Fitness until you run into him- problem solved!
I feel like we need an entire thread of Phil Collins/Genesis lines related to this relationship. It would truly make the day perfect!
I kinda want a chipmunk now.
Holy shit that was adorable!
It was amazing. The cat joined me and we had a very soul restoring time.
That is fantastic!
That's it, I can't handle anything more tonight. I'm heading into my blanket fort to recharge before raging against the machine tomorrow.
I can't even with the cuteness. Chris Evans needs to just stop being so damn adorable.
This did not disappoint. This was also especially needed today- the Monday after a time change is hell at school.
I am still feeling sad about this. When spring break rolls around I'm heading to storage to get my Skye O'Malley books and I'm going to binge read in Bertrice's memory. Long live the Pirate Queen!
I just spit my coffee out I laughed so hard. That is the comment of the year!
The first step in using "shade" correctly, is knowing when you aren't using "shade" correctly.
That is so, so perfect!
Why do I get the feeling that someone is going to misuse "shade" in regards to this photo. Maybe Kara needs to do a preemptive session of Shade Court.