Judgmental Chickens

You look awesome (both before and after!)

I really do. The time is less of a concern than the money. We have spent the last 2 years scraping by due to me being in grad school. I know we can find a way, but I feel a little guilty about missing an opportunity to work this summer and bring money in.

I have an opportunity to spend a month in China this Summer to study language and culture. The pros- um, amazing opportunity, and looks great on my resume. The cons- a month away from my husband and life, and the cost (will be close to $3,000). I'm so torn.

I'm a big fan of the Cap'n but these look just beyond disgusting.

That is awesome! My guy couldn't actually make it to the previously mentioned Judge Judy party, and finally realized a couple days later that he should ask me out. We were both a bit slow on the uptake!

He actually did it. It was pretty cool!

My old roommate was on, so we had a big screen viewing party at a pub to watch. Pretty fun!

That is fucking brilliant!

I invited my now husband to a Judge Judy viewing party. Of course, I was too subtle in the pick-up and he didn't really realize that I was asking him out. Luckily he got his shit together.

I was fully team white/gold, but now I see it blue/black. My brain cannot deal!

Came here to say the same thing!

Things like this make me miss Lindy. I need to see her try these!

Mark- the bigger story is being lost here- guinea pigs are running amok in Dolores Park- how are you now covering that?!!!!

NO!!! I love her books! I have a huge collection of them. What a sad loss!

When my husband and I were first dating, he worked as a bartender in a fine-dining restaurant. My roommate was a personal chef, and who actually told me that she didn't like my boyfriend because he didn't give her the respect she felt was due to her as a chef. It's been about 6 years since she said that to me, and

One of the teachers at my school knows Chris Pine very well and says that he is simply a lovely human being. I have no doubt that those tears were sincere. He is not the character he usually plays onscreen.

All over the Bay Area. It is an insidious evil.

Shhh, the man is talking, we can't ask him to use facts, it is too hard!

It's like the new Rick Roll

Thank you for making my night.