Judgmental Chickens

Dude Kars for Kids is the devil incarnate. Just one second of that song is all that it takes for it to get lodged in my brain.

Yep. I am way more active since getting one. Now that my husband has one too, we try and top each others steps per day. The only scary thing is that I got the one that tracks your sleep and I am completely freaking out at how little I actually get each night.

I do a quiz show review with my students to help them prep for chapter tests. As I am preparing for it I sing the Prince Show Theme with my quiz show lyrics. Maya Rudolph as Beyonce is everything.

My husband was so happy!

I life in Marin County which, as we now know, is a hotbed for this kind of thinking. The amount of times that I eyeroll when I see her shit posted by one of my "friends" on Facebook may give me permanent damage.

I have a feeling we would have been friends as kids. I did something similar, however my brother threw mine into the creek behind our house because he was (and still is) a dick.

That is perfection!

Some of the best pictures from my wedding are of my cousin dancing to The Bird. That was the only song that got everyone out on the floor.

I happy screamed in the movie theater when that happened!

No apology needed when preaching the good word!

Ice Cream Castles is one of my all time favorite albums. It is seriously the shit, and you will love yourself for listening to it- I promise!

Jerome- bring me my hat!

I was left shark before there was a Left Shark. I feel you!

This is my cue to close the computer for the day. All the stupid is making me want to punch things.

We have a policy that none of the children are allowed back in school until they show proof of treatment. Since this is the 2nd time it has happened, they have to have it done professionally.

Poor little poppet! I love this story! I just needed to vent. The money is hard because we don't have a lot, but luckily my husband and I have a great sense of humor and a place to vent!

Yeah, this week sucks balls. I found out that my car insurance was cancelled without my knowledge and that I have been driving around for 2 months without it. That cost a pretty penny to reinstate.

Shit like this makes mes so embarrassed to admit that I am from Marin County. I swear that these people are NOT the entirety of Marin- there really are normal folk here too!

I got sent to the principal's office for bringing bags of powdered sugar to school. I grew up in Marin County California in the 1980s where it was not out of the realm for a kid to bring cocaine to school.

Gabi is going places.