Judgmental Chickens

Knowing that he went to Redwood High makes so much sense to me. Redwood is practically a tool factory.

I will now be "stalking" you on Twitter. I need my dose of Burt to get me through the rest of grad school.

This brings me so much joy.

It should have been Missy Elliot's halftime show. She killed it dead!

It makes me sad that this has to be an issue. To contextualize- California has a plastic bag ban, so now all retailers charge for bags. Since he just got one thing, he probably declined the bag.

Aw! You are too sweet! I grew into my looks!

Just made my travel plans for my 25th high school reunion. I can't get over that it has been 25 years since I graduated!

Lagunitas is a special kind of crazy. It is out in the boonies of west Marin and the people living there are either really rich or pretty poor. The rich ones are pretty much like the lady who was quoted.

Yep. I can't bring anything with tree nuts or peanuts to school, but we are ground zero for an outbreak. Such bullshit.

I got mine this week! It is amazing!!!

Yes. I so wish that I could PM you with info.

A little of both. It happened to my friend after her abortion, but it also happens to women who have sought out counseling. This group found her home address and began leaving literature and baby gifts in her mailbox with notes like "your baby would have been 10 days old today." She had to move due to the

Stay strong fellow educator!

You must be referring to the doctor at pediatric alternatives? She is a nutter. I'm at a fairly crunchy private school. Surprisingly, this scare is causing many of our parents to vaccinate. Yay!

Also- you should be able to get a blood test to confirm that you have the antibodies. Kaiser is opting to just redo the shot for me.

Yesterday to families. We were told Monday that the office of county health is requiring the documentation from teachers. It could be because I work at a school with a high PBE.

I love my cousins a lot, but they are part of the anti-abortion movement. My aunt (may she rest in peace) was involved with an organization that will terrorize women who have had an abortion. I'm pretty sure that my aunt was unaware of that, but my best friend was at the other end of the terror stick and it really

Oh- and gird your loins because I have heard of a case in Oakland. Craptastic!

Good for her, so very, very sad for us.

I'm in Marin- my understanding is that this is going to be state-wide thing.