I want to, but I'm worried it could cause problems for the Hubsy, so I refrain.
I want to, but I'm worried it could cause problems for the Hubsy, so I refrain.
Ugh, so gross! Where did you grow up?
Hey! I'm in San Rafael too! I was born and raised in Marin, but as the child of Wisconsin natives, I was able to avoid the dreaded douche disease. Sadly, my brother went full douche, and he doesn't even live here anymore. The hubs works at a place in Sausalito (I won't put the name in for reasons) I'm sure you can…
I need a mug like that!
Yep. My husband brings home the best stories from his job. He works at a fancy resort restaurant in Marin County California and all kinds of douche happens there. It is always the "normal" people who are the jerks. They had an entire crowd of A-listers for a birthday party once (and I do mean A-listers) and they…
I see a trip to Richmond for date night in my future!
Don't forget the red chair! That might be my favorite bit!
I have a hot date with my couch, football and my thesis. My brain hurts so much right now.
I love watching the Graham Norton Show. So much more entertaining than the American chat shows. I feel as though the American celebs let their guard down and show a little bit of their realness. Could be the booze, but who knows!
We may have been separated at birth. I have injured myself many a time on plastic cutlery.
I am quite accident prone, but I'll say it is a two way tie between spraining my toe during a heated game of Monopoly, or fracturing three of my toes while running to answer the phone while working as an overnight auditor at a Motel 6. Oh, then there was also the time I got a concussion on Space Mountain. So many…
I was home sick over winter break, so I sat around on my ass and watched all of the Avengers based Marvel movies. I may have watched the ones with Captain Rodgers more than once. He is just so, so yummy.
Here is my current no-judgement set up- I know 5-10 Girl Scouts (sometimes they drop out for a year, so the number changes) and I make a "normal" order 3-4 boxes from each of them. They are all in different troops, so none the wiser! I get to support my girls AND load up on Thin Mints.
Props for the excellent use of yinzers!
My dog and cat are the exception to the rule. The cat doesn't have a bed, but he does have a handmade quilt that the dog routinely steals. The cat will get it back and the dog will take right out from under him. The cat has finally given up, and the quilt now belongs to the dog.
I worked as a PA for a psychologist who was obsessed with Mercola and Oz. She would watch the Dr. Oz Show and write page after page of "cures" for everything and then have me type them up for her. The amount of serious bat-shit crazy that this highly intelligent woman believed was out of control. I finally had to…
My friend, who is legit Celiac, loves the "gluten-free" idiots. Why? It is because of them that the stores are now stocked with gluten-free aisles, and restaurants are now making special gluten-free dishes.
True story- my local theater company did Beauty and the Beast, and I was called back for Babette and one of the Silly Sisters. The Gaston they partnered me with went on to be cast as Lumiere (he was fantastic) and won an Oscar last year (not for acting). I was cast as a villager and a dancing plate, and didn't get…
The Hubs worked 14 hours on Christmas, 14 hours yesterday, and is back at work now doing inventory. He got Thanksgiving off though. It sucks.
It is a pretty awesome school! Even more interesting- it is a Catholic school.