Judgmental Chickens

My feelings exactly. My school (all-girls) had a trans student (female to male) and while the school 100% supported him, mom was not on-board. She insisted that he be referred to as female at graduation. The head responded by using gender neutral language when talking about him, but his name was still written as

Must snuggle all the bunnies!!!!

Thank you so much! It has been tough, but luckily I have strong support in my husband and the head of school. Because I'm a crazy person, I have taken on way too much as a first year teacher, but I'm really trying to make it work!

As a first year 5/6 teacher I must concur. I am so exhausted this break and am silently weeping over the fact that I only have 9 days left of my break, and much of that will be spent on prep and report cards.

Back in 1993 or 1994 Utah played at New Mexico and right in front of our seats Dave Kozlowski (Utah WR) went up for a pass and got drilled. He was down on the field unconscious for about 10 minutes before they got him off. Found out that week that he had lacerated his liver and had almost died. The only thing that

I loved the shit out of that show!

I had champagne for the first time at my Uncle Bob's house. We would go there for New Year's Eve each year and everyone, kids included, got a glass of champagne with raisins in it (I don't know why the raisins were there). I think I was 4, almost 5 when I actually drank the champagne instead of just picking the


I have a fever, so I just know that these two ladies will be haunting my dreams later. WTF was that?!

Most cats have rapid sneezes coupled with a "cough." It sounds similar to a hairball, but that was a sneeze.

Oh my goodness the sneezing at the end. Adorable!

Thankfully my family and the in-laws know that there is no way that we are having children, so we don't get that question anymore.

The uber Catholic in-laws invited me to spend Christmas with them today since my husband has to work. They are also quite conservative (GWB was too liberal?!) and I am a Jewish liberal. I had to shut that shit down. I enjoy spending time with them when my husband can be the designated driver, but if I can't drink,

Yay!!!! I had a nice Jewish Christmas planned (the Hubs has to work) but I have been laid out with a cold and will most likely be stuck in bed tomorrow.

When my dad married my first stepmother he had a big-band themed reception and we danced for the first time together. It was the most fun I ever had with him until my wedding and we did a repeat performance. Dad dances are the best.

Growing up in Marin County he was such a presence and his death is still felt here. I will find myself sad while out and about and realize that it is because I am near a place that was connected to his life. His death lingers and it is going to take a long time to move past it.

I needed this after sobbing whilst watching the little girl get the puppy.

OK, now I am a sobbing mess. What a lovely surprise. That is one lucky puppy and lucky girl!

The misuse of the prefix "un-" might be my favorite kid mistake ever! I had a student turn in a math worksheet where they were asked to analyze a fictional student's work. The fictional student got many "uncorrect." Priceless.

Everything that I have learned about George Wallace tells me that Tim Roth is being pretty accurate in his portrayal. Sounds as if it was perfect casting!