Judgmental Chickens

Can't handle the cuteness!!!!

Baby. Fucking. Goat. What more do you need?

This is the best story I have read all day!

Saving that picture for Passover- brilliant!

Yep. Anytime the Steelers are on TV either the Hubs or I will call him out. It pisses both of us off.

They showed the preview for Selma before Mockingjay. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was openly crying during the trailer. I am so looking forward to seeing it!

I was born in the East Bay and there was a good chance that I could have been raised in the general are of Lafayette. I give thanks every day that I was adopted by a family in Marin instead. While my sex ed in school was not great, it was better than this bullshit.

You keep nerding!

Adorable! I actually told two of the boys today- "I want you to be in the show, but I don't need you to be in it."

It was amazing! I got caught up on some TV that had been sitting there for weeks, and I got to cuddle with the dog and cat!

The stretching!!!!

Love it, and the message! The evening was amazing, and life is pretty damn good (aside from minor, kitten cured annoyances!)

The little gray ones remind me of my sweet Tigger (RIP)! LOVE!!!

You do not disappoint! I'm about to head into 2 hours of rehearsal with young children- I'll let you be the judge of how many kittens I'll need when I get back!

AHHHHHH!!!! So cute!!!

Just got home after working since 6:30am and this bitch has a hot date with the bed and the DVR!

I really needed this after a super rough teaching day. The world needs more Brenden's!

You have a true gift.

I had a class with Andre back in college. Straight up a nice dude. Makes me happy to see him still at it!

Winston (named for Winston Churchill, of course!) is a hoot! He is so cranky, but really wants the loves. Tasha was being very shy, but my husband said that she was hanging out in our doorway while we were sleeping. So cute!