Judgmental Chickens

It is truly yummy!

My parents got a kitten over the summer, and I got to meet her for the first time this week! She came with an older cat- Winston (He's in the last picture) She is so damn cute:

I did an 80s themed fun run today and have to show off my homemade Rainbow Brite Costume:

I went shopping once on Black Friday. Don't feel the need to ever do it again. I'd much rather stay home and watch TV.

Oh God I am this dog. Every. Damn. Day.

When I was a kid my dad made shit on a shingle for dinner and called it as such. I was pretty naive, and wasn't quite aware that "shit" was a "bad" word. The next day my dad got a phone call from the school asking him to talk to me about appropriate school language. We had a writing exercise at the start of the day

The bad news: I just spent the last 6 hours reviewing literature for my thesis.

To make this story even worse, the Right is spinning this as the Muslims are forcing the school district to remove the holidays.

I had to make that decision when my cat was 16. He had lived with FIV for years (outlived the vet's prediction by over 7 years) and just didn't have the quality of life anymore. He was confined to one room due to my roommate's rambunctious dog and I could just tell that he wasn't happy anymore. My boyfriend (now

I knew that I wasn't going to spend a lot on mine, but I wanted to have the experience of going to try on dresses. I went with my MOH and my mother to David's and tried on some "fantasy" dresses. I got an idea of what styles looked good on me and what size I needed to order, and then I went to their website and

Ah Colma. Where there is a Target across the freeway from the Target. I lived in Daly City for almost three years and I was so freakin' happy to leave.

Holy Christ the little squeaks!!!

Dear lady with the twins:

A million stars for that!

I'm currently doing the lit review, so each time I read through a paper, I search for their references and add them to my list (finding research on my topic is really hard for some reason) I closed a tab on my browser not realizing that it was the tab that was holding all of the references for transfer to my reference

Puppy pile!

Oh!!! Thank you so much!

Oh the tiny "mews!" That was amazing!

I just spent the last 2 hours gathering new references for my thesis and just lost them all. FUCK. MY. LIFE!

Yeah- that was a really nice touch!