Probably Redundant Comment

Well the events serve a purpose. For one, it keeps people playing often, so that new people who waited a few months (Or longer) have people they can play with. The thing is there are still people playing Freedom Unite after all and in the older Mon Huns, there were loads of monsters that almost demanded help to take

I was shopping yesterday, and this woman walked past me maskless. Expecting a full-Becky, I took a breath, walked up to her and asked her why she wasn’t wearing a mask. Her eyes got wide, she looked around like a draft up the back reminded her she’d forgotten pants. She pulled a mask out of her pocket, put it on, and

I work in a department store in a mask mandated state. The first week or so after reopening, most people wore masks and wore then right. That’s been steadily slipping as time goes on. Our corporate has told us to not actually enforce the mask mandate, so we can’t say anything to anyone not wearing one (I need a job

I know plenty of people like that. They spend more effort getting around the rule than it would take to just follow it.  They relish being “smart” or whatever, when in fact they are being assholes.

The people who wear them on their chin are worse than the people who dont wear them at all. 

In the video, Maggie is wearing a Mets shirt (which is technically classified as a Confederate monument because it celebrates a “lost cause”)

Maybe it really is time we stop giving white people who seek to weaponize the police against Black people cutesy little nicknames like “BBQ Becky” or “Central Park Karen.”

And another May tweet from Adams read: “Don’t shut down the universities. Shut down the non essential majors. Like Women’s Studies.”

He’s also driving this at this week’s race in Martinsville, VA.

Damned straight it is.

Tearing these statues down is more history than putting them up.

I love this and we’ve badly needed this, but I got to add one thing. Growing up on Wazi Ahanhan Oyanke (or Oglala Lakota nation, poorest Native reservation in US), here is what we heard:

How about the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre? White supremacists and the National Guard working together to destroy more than 35 square blocks of Black Wall Street, killing an estimated 200-300 black people and injuring countless more, just because they couldn't stand to see POC becoming more successful than white folks. I

Michael wouldn’t be able to post the article in the next 100 years if he factored in all of the injustice. That said, he knows what he’s doing and I doubt very much he wasn’t thinking of those events he left out.

You left out The Boston Busing riots of the 70's. The death and injury of two men in December of 1986 at Howard Beach NY at the hands of a mob of white teenagers. The Central Park Five’s bullshit conviction in 1989 and a certain Editorial by a fat, repulsive, sexual predator in The NY Times. The murder of Yusef

A fair response. Thanks for your thoughts. 

I have added John Boyega to my List of Sons. And Thunder Fire You to my list of curses.