Probably Redundant Comment

I would hope you would. Unfortunately, most wouldn’t and don’t.

This is the peak of white womaning. I’m sorry but this needs to be painted with a broad brush. She is the sort of liberal, entitled, privileged, east coast white woman that tweets all the liberal hashtags, wears all the pink hats, eats all the avocado toast, has all the multi-ethnic assiociates, yet the moment she is

Used to be the advice was to drive to the police station if you thought something was up.

Meanwhile, AEW folks saying they want to bring back the AKI engine. If that happens (which, you know, lots of doubts), I’d suddenly be a non-Fire Pro wrestling game fan again.

Oh Def Jam would be aces. Hell, I want the main WWE games to go back to that style.

The rumor is the AEW game will be this gen’s take on the N64 games.

You can have my double-space when you pull it from my cold, dead hands.

I cackled at this headline... But “They Finna Die”

I wanna see CAPCOM do another Saturday Night Slam Masters

Just tweak Here Comes the Pain.   

this is bad, we must oppose the thumbs.

I am literally crying from laughter over here.

Thanks for my first genuine lol of the day.

I am deeply in love with you because you made me laugh..something I haven’t done lately.

Shared from a friend of mine who possesses strong socialist beliefs:

Generations of inbreeding. They're basically clones at this point.

I’m dyin over here! LMFAO! Get this person a job at the Onion™!

Well played, sir!

Now you don’t even sound fun.

aww, you shouldn’t have!