Probably Redundant Comment

Death Cult Capitalism©®™ is a core GOP value.

I know the guy who wrote that

They closed all schools in KS until the end of the school year yesterday

Joke’s on her, she went to Red Robin.

I too am in Cali and am self-isolating; I’ve had chemo and a stem-cell transplant, my poor immune system is limping. I don’t feel great either; I’ve got chills, a sore throat and for the last 30 minutes a rager of a headache. I shot my doctor an email...I think I’ll take hot bath while I’m waiting.  You be careful

I’m in California and have chronic health problems so I’m going to go ahead and home isolate like Gov. Newsom has requested. I have enough food, books and movies. I’m counting on my lovely Jezzies to keep me from getting too lonely. Also, I have a resentment against everyone that panic bought all the pasta. lol( I'm

Just say you work with a goblin next time.

I agree with your general points, but...

He must be related to the dumbshit I work with who has been observed not washing his hands (and grabbing ice from the ice maker with said hands), who recently declared he doesn’t even order Chinese takeout anymore.

I see more people apply soap to dry hands than wet hands first. Being in the latter category, I do not understand this behavior and when I try it, it just feels SO WRONG.

That is weird, seems like any flights purchased BEFORE a certain date (ie when people knew things would get crazy, which in Seattle is like less than a week ago) would be refundable. Maybe their policy will change if/when a big enough stink is made about it (or they cancel flights because of federal guidance or

Reconsider. The entire school district of Seattle just announced that it’s taking 2 weeks off. Jay Inslee just cancelled all gatherings over 250 people for King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties through the end of March. The Mariners are moving all home games for March out of Seattle. All the other sports teams are

I will beat this drum until he has a real rally!

Spreading communicable diseases to own the libs.

I would love to try your applesauce and guacamole dip

But what about Baby Jesus?

I do not want him to die in office. I want him to watch his replacement take the oath of office in January 2021.

Your cat is very pretty and looks like a great pal

My wife and I have started calling each other and our kids “bebe”, while simultaneously yelling out “Daaaviiiid”