Probably Redundant Comment

As someone who has had 2 miscarriages so far in 2019, I’d like to issue a very hearty, very personal “fuck you” to the Biebers. I sincerely hope they never have to find out firsthand how painful jokes like this can be for some people.

Let’s be honest, most boring 40+ people in office cubicles grew up in the 90s partying to hip-hop and R&B, that’s why so many mainstream stations play a lot of that material now.

And Left Eye’s verse in Waterfalls is downright Christian... but also not so Christian as to offend non-Christians. It’s genuinely the most inoffensive, mom-friendly rap verse I can think of. 

What kind of vanilla bullshit regards the rap verse of Waterfalls too hardcore for radio play?! It’s not like it’s NWA.

Bruh, thou in denial about something, GTFO and take that hateful nonsense to a therapist, idiot protest too much

lissen. A few of my colleagues had mentioned not having heard of her and I told them their life will be superior prior to any digging or research. Ignorance really do be bliss. 

You’re in a league of your own, OWG.

Wait?! What? I thought I was one of the cool people!!!!

4. #1s who hate being lumped in with #3s by virtue of a horribly designed and implemented commenting system. The Grays contain but ≠ trolls.

4. Old White Guy

There are plenty of non-trolls out here in the Grey Wasteland, just plugging along, hoping to one day be made one of the cool kids. It’s fine. I’m not bitter.

The money quote:

But I love you for it, because I laughed my ass off!

“Brie Larson also runs like somebody who learned by having someone describe it to her.”

My wife said the same exact thing.  It's so uncomfortable to watch. 

Your description of her running style is spot on. I kept thinking, “Did she just polish her toenails or something?” Her full-tilt pursuit gait was very odd. I thought things mostly came together in the third act. I liked the stuff with Marie and Monica... but it’s true. She looked like she was always asking, “Do I

Substitute Teacher is for fascist women what Reserve Police Officer is for fascist men. For when you’re too lazy to bully and oppress full time.

Dude up until like 6th grade there was no way you could convince me it was fake...

They invited him, but he declined on the grounds of being too busy making fuck.

Also why the fuck do we need Jaden Smith to do this instead of the fucking government!?!? I'm thinking it might be racism.