
Another chance to showcase Allie Jones with “146000 Days of Shakespeare.”

“It’s All About Me!” so please pay attention to my book about me. It’s much easier for everyone to pamper me and play my games than for me to work on myself. My projections and transference are not to be questioned as I seek to improve my projections and transference to avoid growing up. My infantilism is to be

That green monstrosity is a very nice look if you're a mental patient in the asylum. And the brown onesie is fantastic if you're under 18 months and still shitting your pants.

That green monstrosity is a very nice look if you're a mental patient in the asylum. And the brown onesie is

“On opening day, be sure and meet the Savior as He makes His way into the Ark riding his favorite dinosaur, Marysorus Magdelena.”

Now playing

‘I didn’t really feel ready for it. And the issue was aging in a society that cannot wait to toss me in a dumpster at the first sign of decline.’

Now would also be a good time to get your, “I’m with Stupid -No, I am Stupid” tattoo removed from your neck.

In this photo Micky's kids are dressed and ready for school. Micky is asking the school to replace the "Good Morning To You" song with the more appropriate "Horst Wessel" merry melody.

“These missiles brought to you by Facebook. Remember, when there’s killing to be done and wars to be won, think Facebook for all your death notices and sad tales of woe. As a salute to our military enter your best crying and distraught children’s faces when they’re told “Daddy is dead and never, ever coming home”

Hilarious bullshit -even more so because the reviewer believes his own bullshit. I bet he gets excited when someone shakes a ring of keys over his head as he nods off to sleep in his Spiderman bed. "Ooooh -shiny things!"


Sandra exclaims she’s not been treated fairly then willingly hops aboard the idiot train for relationships with men who don’t treat her fairly.

The face of terrible hemorrhoids with a morphine suppository.

Wendy Williams and her viewers are all mentally handi . . .capable. An audience of 100 people has the combined IQ of 65 with one person having the highest IQ of 35.

Do they come with grease, lice, and huge flakes of dandruff like the real ones?

Writing (and sometimes English) don’t seem to be the first, second or third specialty of many whom are employed by the Gawker.

I dropped my last dentist as he insisted I needed my wallet x-rayed every time I came in.

Facilitated communication— a Ouija Board for people who have great imaginations and inability to understand science.

Ladies and Gentlemen!