
My mother was diagnosed bi-polar in my childhood, though no one told me until my late teens. She was later diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Let’s just say she tended to *really* lose it, sometimes for days, when she lost it. Alcohol exacerbated the problem but she would regularly overindulge anyways. In

No. The point was that if they don’t severely punish this behavior then they are tacitly endorsing it. Sorry, are you somehow ok with our military being cool with it’s members making threats against American citizens, on our own soil, in uniform no less? If they do punish the guy, which is what anyone I know in the

That’s comforting, kind of? My brother in law is a Green Beret and a decent human being, but he takes his guns home with him. So I admit to not knowing shit about how the Marines store/check out weapons for target training and whatnot, just figured it was much easier for them to get a hold of such things than for some

Hopefully a fucking court-martialed and dishonorably discharged one.

How in hell is that even remotely relevant to the issue of the behavior of our own Marines who are funded by my tax dollars?

If they don’t, fuck the ENTIRE organization. This shit cannot under any circumstances be tolerated. These asshats have access to FULLY automatic weapons and grenades and shit, for fucks sake.

Oh for fucks sake. I quit. I quit humanity. Fuck middle earth. We’re leaving.

This is the most blatantly disgustingly obvious example of pandering I’ve seen all week. That’s saying something, in an election year...

So... someone followed prudent advice from their lawyer? How is this interesting?

Wouldn’t Knock Knock’s potential dick pic problem be pretty well eliminated by just having privacy settings like we do for everything already anyway? Couldn’t you just set it to only accept those calls from people in a certain group or groups?

The only dick pic I ever got was when I was 16 and my mom’s new douchcanoe boyfriend took a couple with one of my box cameras, which I got to discover upon picking my pictures up at the Fred Meyer’s photo booth. She thought it was funny and defended him, he said he didn’t know it was my camera. (So basically, “hmm,

As a 27 year old straight female, I agree with all of this.

Supposedly misery loves company, but I’m sorry you went through this too. Perchance have you made it to r/raisedbynarcissists yet? Highly recommend.

The problem, as I understand it (based on one class about contracts/business law and some idle googling) is that you can’t voluntarily sign away parental rights as per child support (the exception being in the case of adoption), because one of the involved parties isn’t in any position to sign, what with being a

Eggshells. My mother would regularly have screaming fits (sometimes days long) followed by hysterical sobbing over whatever-the-fuck happened to trigger her that particular day. Then she would freak out and have pity parties about how “everyone walks on eggshells around me/why do you all treat me so badly.”

TIL that people really care a lot about Ghostbusters.

Now playing

I get that some folks think the trailer is bad enough to deserve all the downvotes... but maybe reconsider the original:

This is horrible, and I’m really sad that Patton Oswalt is sad.

Can we not conflate “keeping our cool cause we’re not actually interested in starting the next world war” with some derogatory term for female genitalia? Or are you using the term in a pro-woman way, like “man those guys were real class act pussies, wasn’t it stoic how they kept their heads in the face of that shitty

Read one of his essay collections. “Out of My Later Years,” is really good. It did turn me into a socialist, but I’m not complaining.