
I asked both a dentist and a doctor about these as a teen and neither of them knew what I was talking about, probably cause I didn’t really know how to describe it? The doc tested me for strep instead cause I was asking about the white spots on my tonsils, even though I had no other symptoms for strep. Finally figured

Literally fitted my whole family with passports last Tuesday. Going to New Zealand in may whether I get into a grad program or not. I’m done. I thought 2012 was bad... I have no interest in being here for 2020.

I’m afraid to even talk to my dad right now. He was anti-Trump back in January... but that was before he became the nominee.

Knowing that he supports this horrifying dumpster fire of a human would probably destroy whatever’s left of our relationship and I can’t deal with it.

It sure would have fucking been nice if all this shit could have come up during the primaries. I get that no one was taking him seriously til it was too late, neither was I.... but still.

Me too. I keep thinking about how the racist douche-nuggets started crawling out of the woodwork em-masse in response to Obama getting elected... and I feel like we are already seeing the same thing with the misogynists in response to Clinton. It’s worrisome, and I feel awful for everyone not bailing the fuck out to

I’m just stoked that it literally does not matter who I vote for or if I vote at all, because we have 3 electoral votes total and they generally call the damn election before our polls even close. XD

Was America always falling the fuck apart or has it actually gotten worse in the last two decades? Cause it really seems like it’s gotten worse but maybe we just know more because of the internet now? Sorry but I’m only 28 I haven’t been here very long.

Exactly. That in itself is clearly evidence of a massive cover-up coordinated by the “establishment.” The entirety of modern medical researchers have plotted together to keep people from the “truth” so they can make mad profits off of generic childhood immunizations largely paid for by medicaid. Or something. Probably

I think you’ve misunderstood my point, but it wasn’t that clear so that’s on me. I certainly do not know enough about Turkey to say if the coup was the “right” thing or not. I very much doubt it’s as simple as “right or wrong” anyway. I just think it’s interesting and depressing that the same people cheering *because*

Meanwhile the Trump Supporters in my feed are also the people cheering the Turkish coup since “those guys were just trying to stop a religious tyrant.”

This guy is legit far worse than Trump. I did not expect that, but I guess I should have.

Gotta love a hard-core pro-life politician who votes “no” on paid parental leave at every opportunity. I went through this fuck’s whole “on the issues page” and came away needing a joint, a stiff drink, and a new country to live in.

I had high hopes for her until that one-on-one she did with Trump. When it really comes down to it, she’s gonna go right ahead and toe the line with the rest of them in seems, and just smile and nod while that asshat gaslights her. Can’t really blame her, but my burgeoning respect for her at that time withered and

Not a *peep* out of my brother-in-law or his wife. Both previously divorced, with children from prior marriages, a new baby (the 6th) and rumored plans for 2 more....

Headline: Incompetent Manager is Incompetent.

Um. No. Just... can this all be over already?

Egh. Just the thought of how much I liked that fucking movie as a teen embarrasses the shit out of me.

This was a shitty tweet, for sure.

My mother was diagnosed bi-polar in my childhood, though no one told me until my late teens. She was later diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Let’s just say she tended to *really* lose it, sometimes for days, when she lost it. Alcohol exacerbated the problem but she would regularly overindulge anyways. In

No. The point was that if they don’t severely punish this behavior then they are tacitly endorsing it. Sorry, are you somehow ok with our military being cool with it’s members making threats against American citizens, on our own soil, in uniform no less? If they do punish the guy, which is what anyone I know in the