Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

@FTGDWolverineEdition: Thanks, Brotha. I got it some time ago and have been mostly absent as of late which might be why you didn't notice. Don't worry though, I got in good with IT at the new job so productivity will be down soon and commenting will be up in the third quarter.

Thats fucking brilliant. Way to start the weekend!

@TouchMyMonkey: No one in Detroit can afford a Civic. Gotta get the parts the people need.

QOTD: Why do Fire Trucks never look like they've fought any fires? Always so clean.

This fire makes Jalopnik while the one in Detroit on Wednesday that burned up 34 homes didn't even make the front page of our own news.

I thought I was going to see something amazing here. However, I live just north of 8 Mile and can watch a pack of thieves tear apart a '95 Olds Eighty-Eight in 30 seconds and distibute the parts to 20 other Eighty-Eights in less than a week.

If God is so powerful, can he make a rock so big even he can't lift it?

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city. We had a couple a professional hit our dealership up and steal a whole car.

@E30Kid: Jesus thats a lot of responses. I'll reply here because you were first.

I have a question.

A quick glance at the photo and not reading the lead-in or headline before I clicked through had me wondering; What has Miss Lohan gotten her self into now?

I'm a huge roller coaster dork. My home park is Cedar Point. (arguably the best park in the U.S.)

Fuck no.

Let me ask my girlfriend. I'll get back to you.

I'd hate to be the new guy starting his first day of work in this field. The practical jokes (ie: initiation) are probably pretty killer.

I really really really hope he actually branded or scarred himself in some way. You know, as a reminder of how much of a dipshit he is.

#11. I know thats Ben, and I know he knows cars, I know that is his "in progress" car, but could that picture be any more fitting for the scenario?