Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

Sooo... Uhhh... Its next week. Hows that resize coming along?

@ghost25: Awesome. Check out my gallery if you want. I used a lot of different techniques to shoot them including vintage camera.

@dwalk52: Thank you very much.

@Clashwerk: I had to edit in Picassa to resize it. I hope it didn;t get thrown out for that. Although the EXIF date should show that it was taken on a Droid.

@jetRink: Thank you. Too late for cropping, but you're right, after looking at some of my shots, I have a little too much real estate in some of these shots.

@Kaiser-Machead: I'm honestly surprised no one else has used a Zune Pass type deal. It really is an awesome way to buy music. the $14.99 gets me 10 free songs a month to keep as my own even if I stop paying for the subscription, plus unlimited downloads from Marketplace which will be deleted if I stop the

I have a Zune that I don't use as often as I once did since I switched to Android phone. In fact I hear iPhone users don't use their iPod as much anymore as well.

I was trying so hard not to do this, but here it is anyway. I'm not so much interested in winning as I am finding out if my people like my (and I use the term loosely) work.

K. Great! Now how about we talk about another display? The display of last weeks shooting challenge.

@ttyymmnn: She is so hot. I had a thing for her as a kid... I still do.

Great! now where is an Android update?

As a hardcore roller coaster dork, this could come in handy.

No Trapster?

The Mac & PC ads from Apple just got kicked in the nuts. 2 different things, but someone was going to figure out how to answer.

@Gators15: I see your point but still hate that its true.

@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: I bought the TV well before I got laid off, so I wouldn't know the experience. When it was time for a new TV back in January, I had to look at it from a value standpoint. That didn't mean going cheap as possible, I actually could have saved quite a few dollars, but decided

@vuvuzelafox: I'm going with AWESOME idea. Man... My neighbor is going to hate me. I live in a neighborhood with 1 utility pole for 4 houses AND ITS IN MY BACK YARD! :D