Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

@chefgon: Not worried. Droid users get Froyo which will do a lot. By the time upgrades are available for Droid owners, we'll be eligible for something way better than gingerbread.

@Brad Roth: It is a shot to the heart in a way, but we are not being left behind too bad. When we're running 1.5GHZ phones, EVO users will feel our pain just as Eclair users have to suffer now.

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: Not only snappier, but it gives me the hot spot and ability to move what I want to the SD card. What more do I need to do right now? Not much and probably not anything I must have.

My Droid is great and I don't plan on ditching a phone I got this past February for a new one at the end of the year because of a new interface. It just seems like once I get Froyo, I'll be set until the end of 2011. My guess at this rate, 1.5GHZ will be standard and folks will be talking about 3.1

@ccalbat: I do and I should have noted that in my post. :D

@Mars478: You get a heart click anyway.

@AWood1984: Ditto on the heart click. Also have him check out FXxamera. There is a free version and I've only used that one so I can't comment if paid gets better.

@aj.2096: That really nice. Great effect. What did you use?

The article has a point. A big glaring poking-google-in-the-eye point. Cleanup the market. Cleanup doesn't have to mean trashing the bad stuff (and not all the bad is illegal), but put it in all closet somewhere. Thats what I do when I cleanup.

@Zonky: Good call. Sometimes though, the geek needs to settle down. IF the geek is downloading some of this crap in the market. I suspect though its users with the latest pop ring back on their EnV2 that downloads this garbage and not the geeks. The geeks find the fun stuff like ROMS and pass them down to me.

@edge57: Keep it fully open. Those of us that read the comments of the apps we install should not be punished because someone wants a Ricky Martin ring photo.

@redman042: There is a difference between cleaning house to get rid of apps that do illegal things while better organizing your setup and blocking apps for no reason.

I have a handy little app called Droid of the Day. It displays a new app every day that I might find useful or completely useless. Its helped me find a couple of apps that I might not have found searching.

"Goodbye, cable"

@AWood1984: I have a Droid (MORTAL ENEMIES!!!11!)

@AWood1984: I like it! Not lame at all, what did you use?

I submitted one taken with my Droid using vignette paid. Vignette paid is the best camera app ever. The free one is just as nice, but only shoots .3mp. It is the only app I have paid for and it is soooo worth it.

I submitted some shots from my Droid using Vignette. For all you Android users... Vignette Paid is awesome. Its the best app I've used and so far the only app I've upgraded to a paid version of.