Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

@87CapriceEstate: Yeah! Its messed up. Its the most unjalop car a guy could have. Well... a Camry is technically the rule written on a beer napkin somewhere.

@87CapriceEstate: Yeah. On the headlights and tail lights. I believe the side repeaters were deleted in 09', but they had them. Also, the reflectors in the sides of the rear fascia have them. Something Chevy hadn't done in years.

@87CapriceEstate: I don't know. I like the Malibu better. Its the details like the CHEVY (eff you GM) bow ties in the lights all around or that hood setup it has where the entire front fascia comes up to the hood line (which is pretty impressive on a sub $20K family sedan) and leaves you wondering how they stamped it

@Peugeot 504 - the Car for Nigeria: Nope. I think I told someone once it was identical to the MY08' Chevy Malibu. But thats it. I don't like to pretend my car is anything more than a mid-size family sedan with alright handling for what it is.

This right here is why I love my Saturn Aura. I don't talk about it because I pretend I don't own it.

@snapoversteer's walking around eating his Triscuits: Orion was too little too late. If they introduced this program when they found the shuttle not to be as economically feasible (Read: First flight!) and not reusable (see: boom) they may have had a fighting chance.

Give the poor woman a break. After all it was her husband "telling" her not to be dumb that put her in this predicament.

@tonyola: I can already see the cross traffic's orange light anyway. Its time to saddle up when you see that.

If by "little effect" they mean not giving a crap that you're doing 45 mph in the slow lane and listening to some chill jams. Then yeah... I get it.

@Turboner: Especially since they signed Johnny. Although most of their albums are pretty amazing.

@Nicholas Lauer: Promoted because thats just about the cutest damn thing I have ever seen.

The kids keep coming from everywhere.


@teencarfreak: They protest in front of mine. One at a time too.

Sticking it to the man who has nothing to do with the man. Dumb.

There is an old man somewhere between Detroit and Flint that loves his Chevette. I see him at least once a week cruising the highways and byways of Michigan in something he should be proud of. Not because its a Chevette, but because it looks like it came off the line yesterday.

I got canned today! No really, its a good thing.