Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

Ohhhhh that Marmaduke!

Are people in creative fields running out of ideas? "Reboots" and book to film translations are really starting to ruin my childhood. Movies, cars , T.V. shows. Someone even went and made Where The Wild Things Are into some emotional, daddy issues movie. Why?!

Where all the white women at?

I was kicking ass and taking names last year in the traffic dept. Not one single morning did I ever get stuck in a jam and the ride home only saw the brakes at traffic lights.

@lilwillie: The designated freshmen. I never left for the night without one.

@87CapriceEstate: Mechanically it is the same. The only difference between the two being a few exterior panels and interior bits.

Huh. Doesn't look any different from what I've got going on now...

Really! You can't come up with an integrated spoiler?

@ppiddy: All that local 11 o'clock nightly news "logic" is pretty scary, but then I think back to the millions of people who drove rear wheel drive manuals and their children who slid around on the vinyl seats in back. I was one of those children and somehow I don't remember the population thinning out to the levels

As I said earlier, I like this a lot. I'll be in here all day if anyone is looking.

@Optixtruf: Would it be irony if I put "Fight the Beige" on my Aura?

This is like the first time I read Jalopnik. Pure awesome and a welcome breath of fresh air that wasn't a forum, but more like the wild west of the car world.

@Frank Grimes: Hey Grimey! Do you think this is epic? I know you don't use that word often.

I invite any and all Jalop's to gaze upon this beauty as soon as it arrives in my showroom. Joyrides will be limited to fellow Jalops I know personally, but trust me when I say you can come and sit in it without being hassled into buying one. Just make me look busy long enough to read Jalopnik without being hassled by