Prawo Jazdy and The Velocity Trumpets

He will, however, always hate the Cordoba and its fine Corinthian leather.

Ve vill have to see it's papers!


@Formerlythegreatestdriver: I don't care if you can afford one or not. As long as the boss doesn't know what we're up to and you pretend to be interested when I start talking shop, a fellow Jalop is welcome to come by and take a short drive.

@Formerlythegreatestdriver: I started up the CTS-V on our porch shortly after I posted this. I also rigged up the throttle to half power to make up the difference of those that have left our state and opened up the roads for you and I.

@Wild_Horse_of_the_Osage: Is that really there? I typed in Dinosaur Jesus into Google and got some great things.

@pj134: Olson Johnson: [after Gabby Johnson's speech] Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebt to Gabby Johnson for stating what needed to be said. I am particulary glad that these lovely children are here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed the courage

@Brian: I'm Catholic as well and it took me all of 2 seconds to think about promoting him and his comment. Its pretty genius.

Come on, Michigan. We can do better than that. We should at least have one red dot and perhaps an arrow pointing to Detroit as the "source" of all the fun.

@Optixtruf: Wert has already promoted two lawyers today. So why the hell not?

Jim: [consoling Bart] What did you expect? "Welcome, sonny"? "Make yourself at home"? "Marry my daughter"? You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.

@Formerlythegreatestdriver: Content aware fill. Someone programmed the devil and witches into the latest version of Photoshop. I don't know how it works, but here goes.

Dinosaur for sure.

We'll help you launch that balloon right after we finish with this music making machine.

What a crappy thing.. You need a much better watermark.

@Mr. Scroggs: A nice all American girl next door and a cute little Japanese girl.