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    If and a big If ; the plan is to do something else and have revenge on Oliver on the side …….. then it makes more sense. He is building an army, Slade has an agenda and I dont think its all about Oliver. Even Argus has been noticing Deathstroke …….. so don't you all jump on the revenge bandwagon. He is gonna freaking

    I have a feeling that the revenge plot against the Oliver is the icing over the cake over whatever Slade's "Undertaking" is in Starling city. That would be a kick ass way to destroy Oliver's actual self ; the 'Arrow' in Batman Begins style.

    I must say I looooveed the Shado stabbing Oliver Queen scene. Totally did not expect that.

    Why isnt it plausible that there are other motivations for Slade other than unrequited love? One is loyalty and honor. Shado saved him after the mortar attack. If you note that even Ollie felt their new found closeness strange when he got back from the freighter ……… there is a certain amount of logic to the notion of