
“as well as the depreciation of the popular Paint application”

Zebra #1 - Daaaamn - looks like Bob is gettin’ torn up by a croc over there

Seriously, what exactly are people supposed to do? It’s not like the store is open and they just grabbed food and ran out without paying! The store is closed, and it’s not like they are going to be able to sell that food once the water goes down anyway! I mean, it is good to know that Tom would rather starve to death

Sorry if you felt belittled by that statement

Maybe a direct appeal, something along the lines of:

Shhhh... Nuclear armed, regional Communist Bully, secret police state, human organ harvesting, Source of North Korea’s Nukes, State Soonsored copyright and patent theives, China = good ....

The White House door is spinning so fast that CERN can use it to split atoms.

You could have shortened this up quite a bit.

I see many people have already hit all the points I wanted to hit, so I just starred them instead.

You think JTF2 is secretive? You’ve never even heard of JTF1 have you?

Why is this article on Giz when it has nothing to do with Trump??

This wasn’t the only Soviet self-built/home-built sports car. There were several, going back as far as the 1930s.

I don’t know about the videos, but your keyboard would probably gain the contents of your stomach.

Well it’s just pilots dying and planes completely destroyed, maybe it’s not worth it.

Are we still celebrating the cultural enrichment that comes with letting Muslims live alongside civilization?  

Vlad is playing the long game. He wants to undermine America’s influence and he knows that installing a clown as President of the U.S. will achieve that. The world started hating America during the time of Dubya and Cheney. Now they are giggling and laughing.

God, I HOPE Trump gave the Russians his Electoral College maps. That would really make my day.

If I saw that goddamned bear looking through my door I’d be making brownies too.

Isn’t it the Kurds that will sneak into a Taliban compound, cut the heads off the guards, and then put them back on the body with sticks, so that when the new shift comes and tries to get their attention, their heads fall off?