
Should’ve just owned it.

Nobody comes out of this looking good. The racist ass is an ass, but so is the nosy ass reading other people’s texts. My late grandmother used to say that eavesdroppers never learned nothing good about themselves, and this applies just as much to electronic eavesdropping too.

I was really confused by this when they reported it on NPR because the reporter kept pronouncing it as “Melk.” So I thought it was about whether or not non-dairy milk could be labeled as “Melk” because “Melk” might be confusing or misleading people who think they’re buying “Milk.”

Don’t give Monsanto any ideas.

Great, looking forward to awkwardly smiling when my older, conservative coworkers rant about how “they” just ruined milk.

He didn’t make the system. He didn’t advocate for the system. He had no input on the system. He had no choice on whether or not he gets to live in the system. He has precisely zero blame for the system existing, he suffers under it, and he got the chance to escape it. Why the fuck shouldn’t he?

Don’t use “sells out” like it’s a bad thing - more power to Josh Wardle, I’m glad he got paid. If anyone here thinks they would refuse a million+ dollar payout for something he probably coded in a few hours and based on an 80s game show, you’re more than welcome to send me a check because you’re clearly so wealthy.

Let me guess....

This should be read just before his sentencing.

“It’s going to be just fine ... And, we’re, we have it totally under control ... It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

The super-ability that Spiderman doesn’t like to talk about...

Nixon had a pathological inferiority complex, disparaged all those fancy “college boys” and disregarded their data and facts out of spite. So that’s not new. We’ve had racist presidents, so that’s not new. We’ve had self-aggrandizing presidents, so only the degree to which Trump auto-inflates his ego is new. And we’ve

That’s not a Pomeranian. It’s a fully grown lion. It just looks like a Pomeranian next to him.

From what I’ve seen on TV, I believe it’s normal for one’s nose to bleed when they make something heavy levitate.

Time ran backwards until Jesus was born. Duh.

Maybe Huawei is just a massive front for Chinese spying. I mean, it’s also one of the biggest suppliers of network hardware on the planet, so that’s a long way to go to do things you can accomplish with basic hacking. But if you’re going to block access to entire markets for individual companies, you need to show us

I think a better reason to keep them out of US markets is that they got ahead by stealing technology and designs from US companies. It’s common knowledge that US firms are required to give up much of their technology information in order to enter the Chinese market. Huawei has been given an unfair advantage by way of

DOD has found and continues to find intelligence gathering modifications and capabilities built into Chinese sourced networking and communications gear. It’s the government’s job to keep its secrets. They don’t give a fuck about yours and this move has nothing to do protecting the public. This is ongoing punishment

On the other hand, if we take a look at the ways that China has stymied or otherwise banned American technologies within China - the list is numerous, but just naming a few: Facebook(despite its founder’s efforts to cozy up to the Communist Party) and all its child properties, Twitter, Google and many, many more.