
It was with great sadness that I starred your comment :-(

Trust me, I have k own homless people. I can guarantee that they would much rather live I a secure room with a roof over their heads than one that meets all the building codes. They don’t need x number of outlets per wall, large windows in every bedroom, etc.

Pakistan is not in the same league of crazy as NK. They usually don’t do this at anyone other than India. In this case, fake news triggered a normally at-least-somewhat non-hyperbolic govt to become hyperbolic against a country outside it’s typical scope of interest.

Just last week I stumbled upon a chain of comments by Pakistani people on military topics, and I must tell you, it was blood curdling: they live in a demagogue’s paradise, have a huge chip on their collective shoulder, are convinced beyond doubt that their country is an invincible superpower, and ooze belligerence

What’s even better is that the federal government is going to have to archive all those Tweets.

I don’t get all this “you can’t prove a negative” stuff...we apparently elected one.

This article is way different than what I expected when I read “Donald Trump Taps Teen”....

Now playing

Apparently in the US Army, post WWII, this was a thing? It would have looked something like this, although this is obviously the work of more than a lone lab assistant in a truck:

They’re asking a barista to shout out “Trump” for no reason. Many starbucks don’t even take names on cups, and its mainly a thing that is done at busy shops to make the store run more effectively. If you start getting a bunch of people who all want “trump” on their cup, you are defeating the purpose of using names in

The barista IS a mindless drone, he proved that by doing exactly what the trump guy clearly wanted him to said fight would start and the barista walked right into that trap.... because he has no common sense. Sign the cup = no fight,no ammo for alt right movement, and everyone’s happy.

You completely do not understand the situation at all. If the earth was the point you’re a distant black hole.

Exactly! Literally do anything ,but refuse (which is what he’s probably banking on) so he can film the argument and start an alt right movement on twitter. This really isn’t that difficult....

Seems like an easy problem to fix for the barista’s... “accidentally” misspell it. Write Thump or Drump or something instead and pretend they misheard.

Oh god I’m telling you how to stop trump and you think I’m a supporter.... Yup were toast.

No, I’m not. The entire situation could have been nipped at the bud with the one asshole. Instead he was refused his styrofoam cup and it was turned into a movement by said asshole on twitter. There are now TONS of these assholes because one asshole (barista) couldn’t bring himself to write a name on a styrofoam cup.

Because I feel its more important to start pushing common sense right now then stupidity. Anytime we allow these little...idk happen we are essentially just giving these types of people more ammo. This entire “Trump cup campaign” could have been nipped in the bud , IN AN INSTANT, with a quick write of a

If its in his mind....THEN WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER AT ALL?!?! If hes not actually being “brought down a notch” and its only in the mans head that makes your point moot.

So, the same nation that elected Obama a mere eight years ago is now all of a sudden a bunch of assholes? Nah, your candidate was just shitty enough to lose to a reality TV blowhard (pending a late miracle!). This says much, MUCH more about Clinton than it does about Trump, or this country.

Yeah, it needed a good selfie to put on finstagram.

I wanted to get one on FIRE sale